第二次機會 ⇄ 愛情世界裡 最奢侈的要求
如果我有... 第二次機會』
詞/ 許亮宇 溫偉杰 曲/ 許亮宇
累嗎 天快亮了還想著他
認了吧 明明就捨不得何必裝瀟灑
哭過的 笑過的 都是我們的成長
愛過了 痛過了 最後留下遺憾
算了吧 我還能怎樣
壞掉的愛 一碰就會燙傷
你的眼淚 淹沒我的方向
天色已昏暗 思念在糾纏
寂寞很迷幻 要勇敢很難
愛情 不饒人的信仰
你越倔強 就越容易受傷
話說到一半 愛已經用完
(愛還沒用完 能不能奢望)
累了 就讓情緒放一個假
不要怕 時間總會提供最好的解答
哭過的 笑過的 都是我們的成長
愛過了 痛過了 最後留下遺憾
算了吧 我只能這樣
累了 時間走了 愛是解答
能不能 第二次機會
Here's the MV link for the song:
Second Chance MV
“Rúguǒ mǒu gè shíkè kěyǐ chóng lái rúguǒ wǒ yǒu... Dì èr cì jīhuì” cí/ xǔliàngyǔ wēnwěijié qū/ xǔliàngyǔ
lèi ma tiān kuài liàngle hái xiǎngzhe tā rènle ba míngmíng jiù shěbudé
hébì zhuāng xiāosǎ
Kūguò de xiàoguò de dōu shì wǒmen de chéngzhǎng
àiguòle tòngguòle zuìhòu liú xià yíhàn suànle ba wǒ hái néng zěnyàng
huài diào de ài yī pèng jiù huì tàngshāng nǐ de yǎnlèi yānmò wǒ de fāngxiàng
tiānsè yǐ hūn'àn sīniàn zài jiūchán jìmò hěn mí huàn yào yǒnggǎn hěn nán
Àiqíng bù ráo rén de xìnyǎng
nǐ yuè juéjiàng jiù yuè róngyì shòushāng huàshuō dào yībàn ài yǐjīng yòng wán
(ài hái méi yòng wán néng bùnéng shēwàng)
lèile jiù ràng qíngxù fàng yīgè jiǎ
bùyào pà shíjiān zǒng huì tígōng zuì hǎo de jiědá
Kūguò de xiàoguò de dōu shì wǒmen de chéngzhǎng
àiguòle tòngguòle zuìhòu liú xià yíhàn suànle ba wǒ zhǐ néng zhèyàng
lèile shíjiān zǒule ài shì jiědá
néng bùnéng dì èr cì jīhuì
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Sunday, 22 November 2015
How can i have these dilemmas at this age?
A post on 'end my degree study' or 'end of school-practice period' should be ahead of this, but i just don't know why.
I should already get over rebellion phase at this age, but now the conflicts started to pile in.
Maybe because i've been in boarding school and hostel all these years (umm 10 years at least?), that only now i started having these dilemma, because i only started to live at home.
It's the infamous conflict: friends or family, and other conflicts too, as well. Or maybe this is current influence/drawback from watching Sassy Go Go drama. Instead of 18 years old in that drama setting, i'm asking as 24 y o: is it wrong to have fun with your friends at this age?
I sure mature late? I thought i've done well, i grow up well, surviving 5 years studying in a field i have no confidence in, or managed to find a place to stay by myself during my intern days, or trying to be good teacher by my own feet. But i'm still struggling to choose between having fun or just let the fun down, you're grown up now. Your peers are getting married.
I left my classmates' group, i never really had fun during my 18 y o days (i'm struggling because of my not-pandai self, too much idling caused me very bad results). Now i'm stuck because someone said to me "gigih tu boleh, tapi berpada-pada la", which almost sounds like an insult to me, just because i tried to travel far just to see friends. Words coming from adult. I know there's truth to it, in the end only family will care for you. But again, is it wrong to have fun? Though most of time i'm enjoying it alone?
I can't seems to work things out inside my head. Oh well. That's all for now. I may read this back, thinking: how stupid i am to write such post. But a positive-head me need to vent some thinking out, or else i'll be depressed as much. -yana
I should already get over rebellion phase at this age, but now the conflicts started to pile in.
Maybe because i've been in boarding school and hostel all these years (umm 10 years at least?), that only now i started having these dilemma, because i only started to live at home.
It's the infamous conflict: friends or family, and other conflicts too, as well. Or maybe this is current influence/drawback from watching Sassy Go Go drama. Instead of 18 years old in that drama setting, i'm asking as 24 y o: is it wrong to have fun with your friends at this age?
I sure mature late? I thought i've done well, i grow up well, surviving 5 years studying in a field i have no confidence in, or managed to find a place to stay by myself during my intern days, or trying to be good teacher by my own feet. But i'm still struggling to choose between having fun or just let the fun down, you're grown up now. Your peers are getting married.
I left my classmates' group, i never really had fun during my 18 y o days (i'm struggling because of my not-pandai self, too much idling caused me very bad results). Now i'm stuck because someone said to me "gigih tu boleh, tapi berpada-pada la", which almost sounds like an insult to me, just because i tried to travel far just to see friends. Words coming from adult. I know there's truth to it, in the end only family will care for you. But again, is it wrong to have fun? Though most of time i'm enjoying it alone?
I can't seems to work things out inside my head. Oh well. That's all for now. I may read this back, thinking: how stupid i am to write such post. But a positive-head me need to vent some thinking out, or else i'll be depressed as much. -yana
Monday, 9 November 2015
pH- pINK Pink 陈珂冰 x Haoren朱浩仁 (myfm live event) 071115
Hmm ok. How do i start to tell about this event, 1 of the best event i had in my life?
Ok it started with, i stumbled on myfm fb, where it said there'll be live event for pH-pINK x Haoren, but we need to register, answer question and write slogan for we can get free pass to the event.
The event is limited to registered fans only. Of course i need to get in. I tried to send the entry so many times on myfm page, but i don't know, and I'm not sure if the entry is ever submitted. I wait for a week, and the event date was already approaching, and i got no mail or notification from myfm. I already gave up, i planned to just enjoy bingsu before going back to hometown, a day later than usual.
On Wednesday evening, i suddenly open my fb (where i don't usually do in the evening) and i saw Haoren's fb page posted something related to pH event on Saturday. Translated it: fast fans can pm number to secure pass to the event. It was 3 minutes ago from the time i read that post. Quickly sent pm to Haoren's page. Few minutes later, i suddenly recall it's pH event, so i head to Pink's page and saw same post. So i pm Pink's page too.
Was so happy when Pink's page reply my pm on fb.
They said i could bring friend, but Fai's working, royalfambam also mostly working, Aya's too far. pH management call me the next day, so i confirmed to them i'll come alone.
Took bus there. Reached too early, spent my time in tesco (wandering and write short letter to pH. This time letter to Pink is longer than to Haoren haha!) near Verve Suites KL South, the venue for myfm live for pH. It's the same venue they had for pH album launched, also the setting for their MV Waiting For Your Call.
11.35 am, i walked into the building, bumped into an acquaintance, hi-ed her, and i follow her to the floor where the event supposed to be held (building is still under construction so it's bit confusing).
Got goodie bag, then i saw few familiar faces. Then i saw the staff who called me. She waved to me and i replied her. She's as friendly as on phone, and she recall my name too.
I woke up early (4am?) and already kinda worn out, i feel like sleeping waiting for event to start. It started abit pass 12pm, where Jym 1st come out to greet us as mc. Of course he's the mc, yeah, it's myfm live corner. Already familiar with his voice cause i usually listen to myfm friday nite live. I'm excited for him too teheee..
So Pink and Haoren enter, with Sam (which I first thought only a guitarist but end up a singer also) joining them for this event.
They started with acoustic of Waiting For Your Call.
(Jym introduced Waiting For Your Call in singing style, his voice is sooo good too!)
After singing, pH introduced themselves and greet the -small- crowd. Pink immediately recognized me, but Haoren's the one pointed to me 1st, greeting me -with mic- Malay friend, thanks for coming.
HAHAHAHAHA crowd pun gelak sekali. Mmg aku tak paham Chinese, tapi aku sentiasa paham soalan tu.
After that, pH played a game related to call. I understand the game as:
You need to call a friend, then you make that friend say certain words as a task.
Haoren 1st, he called Orange. As slow as you know Haoren is, he took so long to make Orange said the 1st words. 2nd word, 3rd words, until 1 time, Haoren said something so funny so sudden, the staffs had to run to the back because they can't contained their laugh, Jym already fall to the floor laughing HAHAHAHA OK HAOREN MAY BE SLOW, BUT HE CAN BE FUNNY IN THAT SLOWNESS.
Pink decided to call Peace (? Hope I'm not wrong). Peace is faster in guessing the words. Pink already succeed in beating Haoren, she almost hang up, when Peace on the other hand, makes her play game for him too.. give and take eh?
In the middle, Haoren suddenly try to translate about this game in Malay for me, but he failed so bad, aku kena tutup mulut dari gelakkan Haoren punya Malay kuat-kuat. Sorry Haoren. Pink gelak kuat kat Malay Haoren. Jym tried to help Haoren translate in Malay, but also failed, so he gave up lol.
So Pink won. She gives punishment to Haoren, write 'i love you' with butt. My evil Pink jiejie is so excited "ok everyone record this ya kekekeke". Haoren dengan pemalunya hesitate to do it, Jym had to pull him to front to do it. Here's the video Pink requested lol:
So cute (and funny too).
After that, singing time again. Haoren cover on song Ed Sheeran-Think Out Loud. I was,am excited everytime Haoren singing english songs because he's so good at it. And Haoren exceeded my expectations, he's GREAT, WONDERFUL in it. But there's sound technical problem halfway, where's Pink and Sam's mics seems to making noises.
So Haoren need to sing it again. (I translate it in my own way) Jym: they (fans) don't mind you have to sing it again. Me: so true. But i still like the 1st time Haoren singing it because he sings with so much soul, i keep staring at Haoren alone the whole time. I love live session SO MUCH.
This is the 2nd time Haoren singing Think Out Loud, slightly different from 1st time.
After that, Pink's time to sing her cover song. Pink covers Love Me Like You Do. I JUST LOVE HER SINGING SO MUCH I WANTED TO HUG HER THAT VERY MOMENT, I KEEP SMILING THE WHOLE TIME. I clapped very hard too, after Pink done singing her cover song.
Then, they sing few Chinese songs. 2 songs?
I enjoy it, then game time. They picked fans who raised up hand fastest. 3 for Pink. Then when Haoren picking 3 fans to play game, Pink said to me: Yana come, Yana come play, me: ah no, let the guy -pointed to back- play. Actually i don't want to do it because 1: Haoren already pointed that guy at the back. 2: i don't know what type of game so i was kinda scared.
AND I'M GLAD I DIDN'T COME OUT. The game is to put biscuit on your forehead, let it slide down to your mouth, you win when biscuit enter your mouth. (I wear spectacle so that's a hard task for me). But this game hella funny for watchers. I laughed until my cheek hurt.
Haoren's team won this one (through few cheatings, Pink is not satisfied in a cute way hihi). They took photos with fans.
Then another 2 Chinese songs? In the middle, I remember Jym asked about pH, their collaboration, even ask about their relationship (i guess? I dunno i don't understand Chinese). I recall Pink silent 1st, then she said her parents were there with them today. After that i can't understand. Haoren's picking safe answer maybe, and Jym called him 'puppy' in love. Cute.
Haoren also commented that pH chemistry is hen hao, so good, ...(they might continue working as pH?) as answer to Jym's question of what's pH plan after this.
They end it with title song from pHantasy album- Mirror. (I searched my gallery, then i realized i didn't record this song, cause i remember i want to fully enjoy listening to it), exchanging smiles and glances with Pink.
After that fans chances to take photo with pH one by one, so there's queue. I took selfie with Jym 1st. I originally want to sneak around and take selfie with Sam too, but he's quite far, talking to staffs, so i failed to do so.
Reached my time, i passed my phone to staff and went to middle to take photo with Haoren and Pink. Since everyone before me did 'call-love' pose with BOTH Haoren and Pink, i turned to Haoren and said "sorry Haoren, i'll only do the pose with Pink". Haoren nodded, but Pink replied with "that's right, don't do it with him haha~!", in playful way. You love to tease Haoren, right jiejie? ;)
While waiting for staff who's having trouble finding the camera button, Pink commented to me: your fingers so long! I just giggled. Haoren as polite as he is, go to front to help staff find the button hehe..
The friendly staff finds me and said to me: Yana, we have refreshments provided, and it's halal, so you can have it. I thanked her. It's abit pass 2pm so of course i was hungry too.
So it's like free session after that. I saw a fan taking selca with Haoren, so the selca time begins! I took one with Haoren 1st, he offered to me to push the button (since my hand shorter than him), i let him. He bowed to me after that.
Then i wait for Pink. She took my phone and accidentally snap a picture haha! Pink said sorry to me, but she's the one actually not ready. She said my phone was in zoomed mode, but sorry Pink, asus front camera is like that, it's originally in zoomed mode. Can't change that.
Pink end up taking not 1 or 2 but 4 or 5 selca, she's like abusing my phone lol, so here's faces we made:
I talked with Pink, since many are busy selca with Haoren. We talked casually.
After some times, fans took selca with Pink, i waited, then i asked "Pink.. can i hug you?" Pink with little confused face, " yeah, sure~" Most assuring hug i got from her. Thank you so much, you made my day.
Then i saw few fans talking to Haoren. I was just standing near Haoren there, doing nothing, suddenly i realized other fans had left me with Haoren, to go to Pink.
I looked at Haoren, suddenly he started a conversation 1st, (not me. It amused me as i know Haoren is a bit pendiam, quiet type).
-aku pun terus angkat phone nak shot video, sebab rasa Haoren bagi respon slow-
So Haoren gave the video message to Aya, then i send it to her.
So i walked with Haoren (though far from him) to the eating area. Pakcik waiter: silakan makan, jangan risau, halalan toyyiban~! Me: haha ok~
Then i saw my fav staff jiejie,s.b. jiejie. I didn't realized she was in the event until that moment. S.b. jiejie: wah Yana..you're so good, so supportive. I saw you sit 2nd row from front~ then i talked abit with jiejie. Jym was at same table with jiejie. He just looked at me talking to jiejie. Maybe abit surprised i know jiejie like old friend haha!
Then when i try to find table to eat (it's standing table, no chair, which i don't like but i don't have a choice but to eat standing too). A guy (i think he's Pink's brother) offer a place at a table "there's another Malay there" me,"oh really?" Aku terlupa membayangkan dia lelaki. He's the technical staff. More awkward when another staffs left only two of us at that table. (Tapi aku lapar, screw shyness to eat infront of a guy). He asked "memang minat diorang ni ke?" Me "haah", him,"masa album launch takde kan? Me: tak, tak pegi. Means this is not his 1st event with pH. Ok. Talked abit with him, before he moved to other place, left me alone on that table. I saw Haoren queue to take his food, i smiled at him the way i smiled at my students, he replied with slight bow. Dah memang feeling scene kat sekolah pulakkkk.
I took my drink and stand behind s.b jiejie. Later s.b jiejie realized of me, and we talked alot after that. Catch up on few things, including Alvin's schedule. We even talked about wedding and school stuffs. Of course because i'm closed with s.b. jiejie even before this.
Jym bye-ing pH before going back (wearing his backpack, cute.) so he walked infront of me, me: Jym byeee.. Jym: oh, byee~ Later i greet s.b jiejie and staff jiejie before going back, Haoren noticed i said i want to go back, he lifted his head from signing fans' album, then wave bye to me. I waved him back.
I almost end up in same lift as Jym, but Jym decided to try open a door to a suite, and peeking inside, so he didn't go in. But at ground floor, we meet again, sebab Jym salah arah. Dia sepatutnya amek lift pegi parking, aku yang sepatutnya kat tempat dia, so we crossed each other and walked our way out opposite each other.
End of great event. Haoren, Pink, plus Sam and Jym, their live singing is just so good. It still feels like a dream to be able to attend this event. One of my dream is to attend a street performance, where people just enjoy music, playing guitar or such, without much screaming from fans. I think i fulfilled that dream with pH.
Pink is so sweet, hyper, cute and nice person. She got that friendliness from papa? Her dad greet me with "dah makan?" when he walked near me :) And Haoren is still so polite and slow (sorry Haoren. Me also). I'm glad i'm able to talk to them in such calm and not rushing situation. Thanks myfm for this event, thanks pH for the great time, i'll never forget the day.
P/s: i only uploaded 1 chinese song from them here. If you want to listen to the rest, you can meet me, or comment below or on my youtube channel.
See you again pH, hopefully with my friends next time^^ -yanaliyana
Ok it started with, i stumbled on myfm fb, where it said there'll be live event for pH-pINK x Haoren, but we need to register, answer question and write slogan for we can get free pass to the event.
The event is limited to registered fans only. Of course i need to get in. I tried to send the entry so many times on myfm page, but i don't know, and I'm not sure if the entry is ever submitted. I wait for a week, and the event date was already approaching, and i got no mail or notification from myfm. I already gave up, i planned to just enjoy bingsu before going back to hometown, a day later than usual.
On Wednesday evening, i suddenly open my fb (where i don't usually do in the evening) and i saw Haoren's fb page posted something related to pH event on Saturday. Translated it: fast fans can pm number to secure pass to the event. It was 3 minutes ago from the time i read that post. Quickly sent pm to Haoren's page. Few minutes later, i suddenly recall it's pH event, so i head to Pink's page and saw same post. So i pm Pink's page too.
Was so happy when Pink's page reply my pm on fb.
Took bus there. Reached too early, spent my time in tesco (wandering and write short letter to pH. This time letter to Pink is longer than to Haoren haha!) near Verve Suites KL South, the venue for myfm live for pH. It's the same venue they had for pH album launched, also the setting for their MV Waiting For Your Call.
11.35 am, i walked into the building, bumped into an acquaintance, hi-ed her, and i follow her to the floor where the event supposed to be held (building is still under construction so it's bit confusing).
Got goodie bag, then i saw few familiar faces. Then i saw the staff who called me. She waved to me and i replied her. She's as friendly as on phone, and she recall my name too.
I woke up early (4am?) and already kinda worn out, i feel like sleeping waiting for event to start. It started abit pass 12pm, where Jym 1st come out to greet us as mc. Of course he's the mc, yeah, it's myfm live corner. Already familiar with his voice cause i usually listen to myfm friday nite live. I'm excited for him too teheee..
So Pink and Haoren enter, with Sam (which I first thought only a guitarist but end up a singer also) joining them for this event.
They started with acoustic of Waiting For Your Call.
(Jym introduced Waiting For Your Call in singing style, his voice is sooo good too!)
After singing, pH introduced themselves and greet the -small- crowd. Pink immediately recognized me, but Haoren's the one pointed to me 1st, greeting me -with mic- Malay friend, thanks for coming.
Haoren: We have a Malay friend there..
Pink: Yana..Yana right?
Me: -nod-
Jym: aa..Yana..
Haoren: Hai nama saya Haoren.
Me: LOL -uii mesti la aku kenal ko Haoren-
Pink: Malay dia teruk punya hahaha
Jym: -In Chinese- so do you understand what we are saying?
Me: -shake head-
Jym: -in Chinese- ahh..eyhhh? Then how she understands my question?
HAHAHAHAHA crowd pun gelak sekali. Mmg aku tak paham Chinese, tapi aku sentiasa paham soalan tu.
After that, pH played a game related to call. I understand the game as:
You need to call a friend, then you make that friend say certain words as a task.
Haoren 1st, he called Orange. As slow as you know Haoren is, he took so long to make Orange said the 1st words. 2nd word, 3rd words, until 1 time, Haoren said something so funny so sudden, the staffs had to run to the back because they can't contained their laugh, Jym already fall to the floor laughing HAHAHAHA OK HAOREN MAY BE SLOW, BUT HE CAN BE FUNNY IN THAT SLOWNESS.
Pink decided to call Peace (? Hope I'm not wrong). Peace is faster in guessing the words. Pink already succeed in beating Haoren, she almost hang up, when Peace on the other hand, makes her play game for him too.. give and take eh?
In the middle, Haoren suddenly try to translate about this game in Malay for me, but he failed so bad, aku kena tutup mulut dari gelakkan Haoren punya Malay kuat-kuat. Sorry Haoren. Pink gelak kuat kat Malay Haoren. Jym tried to help Haoren translate in Malay, but also failed, so he gave up lol.
So Pink won. She gives punishment to Haoren, write 'i love you' with butt. My evil Pink jiejie is so excited "ok everyone record this ya kekekeke". Haoren dengan pemalunya hesitate to do it, Jym had to pull him to front to do it. Here's the video Pink requested lol:
So cute (and funny too).
After that, singing time again. Haoren cover on song Ed Sheeran-Think Out Loud. I was,am excited everytime Haoren singing english songs because he's so good at it. And Haoren exceeded my expectations, he's GREAT, WONDERFUL in it. But there's sound technical problem halfway, where's Pink and Sam's mics seems to making noises.
So Haoren need to sing it again. (I translate it in my own way) Jym: they (fans) don't mind you have to sing it again. Me: so true. But i still like the 1st time Haoren singing it because he sings with so much soul, i keep staring at Haoren alone the whole time. I love live session SO MUCH.
This is the 2nd time Haoren singing Think Out Loud, slightly different from 1st time.
After that, Pink's time to sing her cover song. Pink covers Love Me Like You Do. I JUST LOVE HER SINGING SO MUCH I WANTED TO HUG HER THAT VERY MOMENT, I KEEP SMILING THE WHOLE TIME. I clapped very hard too, after Pink done singing her cover song.
Then, they sing few Chinese songs. 2 songs?
I enjoy it, then game time. They picked fans who raised up hand fastest. 3 for Pink. Then when Haoren picking 3 fans to play game, Pink said to me: Yana come, Yana come play, me: ah no, let the guy -pointed to back- play. Actually i don't want to do it because 1: Haoren already pointed that guy at the back. 2: i don't know what type of game so i was kinda scared.
AND I'M GLAD I DIDN'T COME OUT. The game is to put biscuit on your forehead, let it slide down to your mouth, you win when biscuit enter your mouth. (I wear spectacle so that's a hard task for me). But this game hella funny for watchers. I laughed until my cheek hurt.
Haoren's team won this one (through few cheatings, Pink is not satisfied in a cute way hihi). They took photos with fans.
Then another 2 Chinese songs? In the middle, I remember Jym asked about pH, their collaboration, even ask about their relationship (i guess? I dunno i don't understand Chinese). I recall Pink silent 1st, then she said her parents were there with them today. After that i can't understand. Haoren's picking safe answer maybe, and Jym called him 'puppy' in love. Cute.
![]() |
Gambar scandal pH 哈哈 |
Haoren also commented that pH chemistry is hen hao, so good, ...(they might continue working as pH?) as answer to Jym's question of what's pH plan after this.
They end it with title song from pHantasy album- Mirror. (I searched my gallery, then i realized i didn't record this song, cause i remember i want to fully enjoy listening to it), exchanging smiles and glances with Pink.
Jym to pH: last words for this event?
Pink: .... (i don't understand again, but i think she said to continue supporting them).
Haoren:... the part i understand: thank you for coming, thank you to Yana, we really, really appreciate it -i shot a smile to Haoren as reply-
After that fans chances to take photo with pH one by one, so there's queue. I took selfie with Jym 1st. I originally want to sneak around and take selfie with Sam too, but he's quite far, talking to staffs, so i failed to do so.
Reached my time, i passed my phone to staff and went to middle to take photo with Haoren and Pink. Since everyone before me did 'call-love' pose with BOTH Haoren and Pink, i turned to Haoren and said "sorry Haoren, i'll only do the pose with Pink". Haoren nodded, but Pink replied with "that's right, don't do it with him haha~!", in playful way. You love to tease Haoren, right jiejie? ;)
While waiting for staff who's having trouble finding the camera button, Pink commented to me: your fingers so long! I just giggled. Haoren as polite as he is, go to front to help staff find the button hehe..
The friendly staff finds me and said to me: Yana, we have refreshments provided, and it's halal, so you can have it. I thanked her. It's abit pass 2pm so of course i was hungry too.
So it's like free session after that. I saw a fan taking selca with Haoren, so the selca time begins! I took one with Haoren 1st, he offered to me to push the button (since my hand shorter than him), i let him. He bowed to me after that.
Then i wait for Pink. She took my phone and accidentally snap a picture haha! Pink said sorry to me, but she's the one actually not ready. She said my phone was in zoomed mode, but sorry Pink, asus front camera is like that, it's originally in zoomed mode. Can't change that.
Pink end up taking not 1 or 2 but 4 or 5 selca, she's like abusing my phone lol, so here's faces we made:
I talked with Pink, since many are busy selca with Haoren. We talked casually.
Pink: where do you come from?
Me: Seri Kembangan~
Pink: Is it far from here?
Me: hmm not that far. 30minutes by driving. Plus jam.
Pink: oh if plus jam, means not bad la. Quite ok. So you're driving?
Me: no, i took bus.
Pink: then going back?
Me: by bus also.
Pink: oh! Take care ok! (Sweet sis she is)
After some times, fans took selca with Pink, i waited, then i asked "Pink.. can i hug you?" Pink with little confused face, " yeah, sure~" Most assuring hug i got from her. Thank you so much, you made my day.
Then i saw few fans talking to Haoren. I was just standing near Haoren there, doing nothing, suddenly i realized other fans had left me with Haoren, to go to Pink.
I looked at Haoren, suddenly he started a conversation 1st, (not me. It amused me as i know Haoren is a bit pendiam, quiet type).
Haoren: so..datang mana..dari mana?
Me: datang dari mana? Seri Kembangan.
Haoren: oh tak jauh sangat. Around here right?
Me: yup. But after this i'm going back to my hometown, Kuala Selangor.
Haoren: jauhnya~!!
Me: yeah..
Pastu borak ape dah tak ingat.
Me: Haoren, you remember Aya?
Haoren: ...
Me: the one with me when you come to Sg Petani?
Haoren: ah..!!
Me: she can't come cause she lives far away, in Perlis..
Haoren: -making ooo mouth-
Me: can i request, you send video message to her?
-aku pun terus angkat phone nak shot video, sebab rasa Haoren bagi respon slow-
So Haoren gave the video message to Aya, then i send it to her.
Haoren: so.. makan? It's Halal..
Me: yeah..jom..
So i walked with Haoren (though far from him) to the eating area. Pakcik waiter: silakan makan, jangan risau, halalan toyyiban~! Me: haha ok~
Then i saw my fav staff jiejie,s.b. jiejie. I didn't realized she was in the event until that moment. S.b. jiejie: wah Yana..you're so good, so supportive. I saw you sit 2nd row from front~ then i talked abit with jiejie. Jym was at same table with jiejie. He just looked at me talking to jiejie. Maybe abit surprised i know jiejie like old friend haha!
Then when i try to find table to eat (it's standing table, no chair, which i don't like but i don't have a choice but to eat standing too). A guy (i think he's Pink's brother) offer a place at a table "there's another Malay there" me,"oh really?" Aku terlupa membayangkan dia lelaki. He's the technical staff. More awkward when another staffs left only two of us at that table. (Tapi aku lapar, screw shyness to eat infront of a guy). He asked "memang minat diorang ni ke?" Me "haah", him,"masa album launch takde kan? Me: tak, tak pegi. Means this is not his 1st event with pH. Ok. Talked abit with him, before he moved to other place, left me alone on that table. I saw Haoren queue to take his food, i smiled at him the way i smiled at my students, he replied with slight bow. Dah memang feeling scene kat sekolah pulakkkk.
I took my drink and stand behind s.b jiejie. Later s.b jiejie realized of me, and we talked alot after that. Catch up on few things, including Alvin's schedule. We even talked about wedding and school stuffs. Of course because i'm closed with s.b. jiejie even before this.
Jym bye-ing pH before going back (wearing his backpack, cute.) so he walked infront of me, me: Jym byeee.. Jym: oh, byee~ Later i greet s.b jiejie and staff jiejie before going back, Haoren noticed i said i want to go back, he lifted his head from signing fans' album, then wave bye to me. I waved him back.
I almost end up in same lift as Jym, but Jym decided to try open a door to a suite, and peeking inside, so he didn't go in. But at ground floor, we meet again, sebab Jym salah arah. Dia sepatutnya amek lift pegi parking, aku yang sepatutnya kat tempat dia, so we crossed each other and walked our way out opposite each other.
Pink is so sweet, hyper, cute and nice person. She got that friendliness from papa? Her dad greet me with "dah makan?" when he walked near me :) And Haoren is still so polite and slow (sorry Haoren. Me also). I'm glad i'm able to talk to them in such calm and not rushing situation. Thanks myfm for this event, thanks pH for the great time, i'll never forget the day.
P/s: i only uploaded 1 chinese song from them here. If you want to listen to the rest, you can meet me, or comment below or on my youtube channel.
See you again pH, hopefully with my friends next time^^ -yanaliyana
local artists,
Pink Tan,
Zhu Haoren
Thursday, 15 October 2015
If i can call a day: WORST DAY OF MY LIFE 151015
This gotta be one of the worst day of my life. More when i can't even cry. I have to suppressed it.
151015. A beautiful number, but an ugly day for me. Right from morning until the moment i'm writing this, in the evening.
Day started off sooo bad. I had indigestion last night, and waking up feeling that i never sleep. I was sleepy to school. The time moves so slowly until 1st relief class, 9am.
Happened to be the 12th class. Of Standard 6. I lost count of their rudeness. Don't even care i'm infront of them, playing stupid games of insulting friends, whispering behind me, even making me the target in their so-called truth or dare game. I don't know why i didn't explode in class. Maybe because i'm feeling quite unwell. That time i just wished i fainted in class. Noisy like am-i-even-exist-there?
Worse when the teacher who's just 1 desk away from me in teachers' room, came from next class to scold the students. For being too noisy. I had the universe-scale embarrassment.
And i can't even bring myself to say thank you 1st to that teacher, until he himself came behind me and said sorry if he was interrupting my class. I'm so ready to hide under my desk that time. (Lucky i managed to thank him).
The class still continue being rude to me even after getting scolded. I did let out some anger (more to threaten them) to group of students playing slap-your-friends-hand-hard-is-fun (bising macam kat funfair pulak tu). Offering to add more pain with the long big thick wooden ruler i found in class. Tau takut. Thank you for dismissal.
I was out-of-space for 2nd class relief where i just let the students find key to music room, dragging 15 minutes when i know i should just get back to class earlier. I know it wouldn't work out but i still didn't do anything until too much time passed.
What happened next is the key to my door to emotional hell-like day. I gave key to Agama room, so that the teacher can borrow desks to use for meeting. I didn't ask when, how long will they be used etc etc. It bring disaster to me. Turnout the meeting was at noon (where i assume in the morning), but there're Agama class in evening session today. That teacher said thank you to me so many times that i feel suspicious to me. Another mistake is, i didn't do anything about it and just went for 3rd class relief.
Yes to my horror, she didn't want to return the desks for the students' use, and do nothing about it, and said she'll talk to other teachers if they are asking. Clearly taking advantage of my non-assertive self, to let her go on with the meeting -using our desks- even when i said they'll be Agama class on evening session today.
Again i don't know what to do because i try to fix my mistakes, but it didn't work. I don't want to run from the problem, but i was already worn out at that time, it passed 1.30pm, evening session teachers already asking why i'm still at school.
I had long moment of not knowing what to do, sitting at my place, almost crying, but too exhausted to think. I text the other teachers (i already faced her once) saying i failed, and walked back home heavy. And go to kedai runcit to buy canned coffee and chocolate, but i know the remedy is just too short and temporary.
Worst of all, i can't even cry out of it. I have to keep it, so my eyes won't be swollen and asked for what is wrong. Everything is wrong today, can't fix it, can't cry when i feel it, i have long-list of things to be done BY TOMORROW. Depressed at its peak.
Never unwelcome friday like this before. Never.
151015. A beautiful number, but an ugly day for me. Right from morning until the moment i'm writing this, in the evening.
Day started off sooo bad. I had indigestion last night, and waking up feeling that i never sleep. I was sleepy to school. The time moves so slowly until 1st relief class, 9am.
Happened to be the 12th class. Of Standard 6. I lost count of their rudeness. Don't even care i'm infront of them, playing stupid games of insulting friends, whispering behind me, even making me the target in their so-called truth or dare game. I don't know why i didn't explode in class. Maybe because i'm feeling quite unwell. That time i just wished i fainted in class. Noisy like am-i-even-exist-there?
Worse when the teacher who's just 1 desk away from me in teachers' room, came from next class to scold the students. For being too noisy. I had the universe-scale embarrassment.
And i can't even bring myself to say thank you 1st to that teacher, until he himself came behind me and said sorry if he was interrupting my class. I'm so ready to hide under my desk that time. (Lucky i managed to thank him).
The class still continue being rude to me even after getting scolded. I did let out some anger (more to threaten them) to group of students playing slap-your-friends-hand-hard-is-fun (bising macam kat funfair pulak tu). Offering to add more pain with the long big thick wooden ruler i found in class. Tau takut. Thank you for dismissal.
I was out-of-space for 2nd class relief where i just let the students find key to music room, dragging 15 minutes when i know i should just get back to class earlier. I know it wouldn't work out but i still didn't do anything until too much time passed.
What happened next is the key to my door to emotional hell-like day. I gave key to Agama room, so that the teacher can borrow desks to use for meeting. I didn't ask when, how long will they be used etc etc. It bring disaster to me. Turnout the meeting was at noon (where i assume in the morning), but there're Agama class in evening session today. That teacher said thank you to me so many times that i feel suspicious to me. Another mistake is, i didn't do anything about it and just went for 3rd class relief.
Yes to my horror, she didn't want to return the desks for the students' use, and do nothing about it, and said she'll talk to other teachers if they are asking. Clearly taking advantage of my non-assertive self, to let her go on with the meeting -using our desks- even when i said they'll be Agama class on evening session today.
Again i don't know what to do because i try to fix my mistakes, but it didn't work. I don't want to run from the problem, but i was already worn out at that time, it passed 1.30pm, evening session teachers already asking why i'm still at school.
I had long moment of not knowing what to do, sitting at my place, almost crying, but too exhausted to think. I text the other teachers (i already faced her once) saying i failed, and walked back home heavy. And go to kedai runcit to buy canned coffee and chocolate, but i know the remedy is just too short and temporary.
Worst of all, i can't even cry out of it. I have to keep it, so my eyes won't be swollen and asked for what is wrong. Everything is wrong today, can't fix it, can't cry when i feel it, i have long-list of things to be done BY TOMORROW. Depressed at its peak.
Never unwelcome friday like this before. Never.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Random things, How you know you're finally an adult?
I can say Henley Hii is my ideal type right? cough
cough. And that reply on ig got me smiling ear to ear! I'm sorry i'm just a mere fan but he seems so considerate!
And i won't post this one on twitter, in case Alvin will directed here *i doubt he reads any of my entry, except maybe the one i linked him long ago*
I don't know why i'm too conscious with Alvin, as if it will hurt him if i spazz over other male artists. Because i feel like you're vulnerable. Just like Cha Hakyeon of VIXX. You care too much, you'll hurt as much. But both of you are so loving, and strong.
Heh talking like i know him on other level, when i'm just a fan who he happened to remember my name, maybe because i mentioned him a lot on twitter. Siapalah aku, only a person who can wish you the best from far. Dah Yana jangan nak melo sangat. Over.
Anyway, i started to think this blog served more as a diary to me, lately. Maybe because i'm lonely? Or 'lonely' might not be the right word. I prefer 'I had more, lots of time for myself'.
I had this sentence echoes for me a lot today, delivered by my best friend Pah, whom i missed alot, i might cry. I told her almost 90% about what happened to me when i change my staying place to current one, how i search for room/house to rent by myself, searching and communicating with society without any help of acquaintance, going to school alone, enduring things alone. This got hammered in my mind:
Yana dah dewasa.. (You've grown up..)
She sounds like a proudmomfriend through the phone. And I'm so overwhelmed by that comment. Until this very second. I miss you. REALLY.
That was the 1st time i received such comment, even i'm the type to travel alone (and far) many times, people just called me brave. Never have i received: you're grown up now.
But then, I'm having life problem right now, and i don't know how to solve it. 24 years old, but i'm still lost. Daughter of my tenant came today, saying when she's my age, she already got married. I must be still a very young person in her eyes (her daughter called me 'kakak' -sis- when i think i should be her makcik level already)
Coincidentally, i'm on episode of Twenty Again where Minsoo asked: do i really am adult right now? (He portrays 20yo boy). Which had me asking myself the same question. The ever-so-overthinking-about-drama of Yana. Heh. I don't have answer. Yet.
I don't know how to end this post, because it's a mix up of random things today. Have a great day, Self! -Yana-
My very first... which i love.
It's 1st time i posted 2 posts on the same day, though it has passed 12am, so it's officially the next day.
But today's 1st Agama class that i officially teaching legally was quite memorable. I go back a bit behind, before i enter the class..
My mentor reminds me: Jangan lembut sangat kat diorang ni. Me: 어.. (i beg to differ). I know i can't act 'garang' with students, but i'll keep that from my mentor, for now.
So in class, i started with reading out loud my rules for class, and i have right to punish them if they break the rules. No talking w/out permission, no playing around, raised up hand for questions.
2nd, ta'aruf session (ice breaking, sort of). Aida, Wafa, Adila, Ikhwan, Zulhilmi and Haikal. It's easy to remember when they're just 6 of them. They told me they have 11 in total. This is Standard 5 students, but still such kids in my eyes.
3rd, discussing about classes. I don't expect them to be so eager in reading Al-Quran in class, because what i know from my mentor, she didn't included reading Al-Quran session in her class before. We agree on Al-Quran on Tuesday, Wednesday for Jawi and the rest on Friday.
4th, i introduced them to surah Taha, verse 1-5. Ayat pelembut hati. I make them read, and hope they'll memorize it soon (while praying silently their heart will be as soft as when Umar Al-Khattab convert to Islam). They agree to starting class with the 5 ayat.
5th, i tested their Jawi skills. Reading, they told me they can bear, eventhough not very fast. Writing, i concluded everyone having hard time. But i'm delighted when i ask:
Me: so you can read but not write. Anyway, do you like Jawi or not? Minat ke tak Jawi ni?
Students: SUKAAA~!!! MINAT!
I was in joy. The kids like Jawi. That's good enough for me, because you'll learn when you like it. And it shows when they were so into the writing-Jawi task that i gave. And they focus a lot when i teach HOW to write properly. I guess the previous teacher shouldn't blame them for not having nice handwriting when students don't given chances to learn how to write properly and nicely.
My class ends at that. I'm certainly not 'garang' in my class, but that's how i am. I deal with my students with having deals with them. You play in my class, i'll give you punishment of things you don't like. Example: writing Jawi sentences in 4 pages. They HATE writing alot. That's what they told me earlier during ice breaking.
In future, i hope these students will learn as much as they can in short period of time. And learn to learn, so they'll survive when the teachers are not around. All the best my kids! May Allah blessed all of you, all the time. -Yana
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Languages: Malay, English, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, Javanese (hit me now)
Languages. I know i love it, but i also know that i don't have talent in it. I know pieces and bites but never excel in any.
Bahasa Melayu? Got B for SPM. English? Just so-so. I'm still having hard time reading NST or English newspaper, though by now, i have more confidence in using it for speaking.
Other languages? I just know a liiiiittle bit. There's Korean, just few vocabs from Japanese, one or two from Chinese. I don't say i know Arabic language well, cause i'll just embarrassing myself. I sucks in it, though 5+years learning.
As for writing, i enjoy Jawi, eventhough my biggest weakness in it it quite huge, that is 'spelling'.
YET my daily life currently revolves around languages. A LOT.
I teach in Chinese school, though not directly teaching Chinese students, almost everyday i have to deal with them given the relief classes. Like it or not, i have to find ways to handle the classes full with language that i don't understand (Chinese) and the easiest way is to attempt to use Chinese. Laugh from students is common, but I'm not bothered by that.
I'm quite in puzzling situation when i use English to explain Math during 1 of my relief class. Hmmm i seems like i tried to use Malay, but English came out more naturally that time.
(I once re-write Got7's song title 딱좋아 on board in 1 of my relief class. Added 안좋아 and 너무 좋아 to that. I got the loudest applaud i had in years (exclude when i got applaud after coming back to practicum school). Heh. Showing off to get points eh Yana?)
Another time, today, students use Chinese in my Jawi class, when they fight to write Jawi on board (all in class are Malay, or at least mix-Malay) Why use Chinese? I don't know. I just let them be. On side note, i love when the students were so immersed in Jawi learning that they don't bothered about the bell ringing indicating school was over. Good. Spirit to learn is what i want.
Oh and at home i currently staying, the couples are Javanese, so they were times they use Javanese with each others, or when friends came over. I only understand one or two. -how much more i have to deal with languages,slang and writing, only Allah knows-
Today after maghrib is going to be New Year. In Islam Calendar. Hijr Calendar. And I hope for the best in Islam, for my family and me, for me to endure and enjoy languages as they are. Salam 1 Muharram 1437 Hijriah. -Yana-
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Swoon over Lee Sang Yoon ('s charming smile)~!
..hella weird to-do-list came across my mind.
To do list Yana 1.0- have charming smile like Lee Sang Yoon.
Is he handsome? For me: NOPE.
Is he charming? Yeapespeciallyhissmileohmyyyhemeltseveryhearthowcanisurviveifimeetsomeonelikehimpleaseiwantthatsmileeee
Have i just gone insane?
Maybe from living 2 weeks literally with no one i can spill my inner talk to. Sorry.
One more picture of him.
![]() |
DIMPLES!!!!! Me: |
Twenty Again. Watch his drama and swoon over him. Join me. Please. #korean #drama #dramaland #myutopia #YanaUtopia
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Shoes & Recognition 101015
Shoes. I was so happy walking around in classes today because i feel so light and comfortable.
Walaupun buruk dan murah, tapi ia sangat berjasa. Note to myself to buy new formal shoes, a very comfortable one to use at school, since i realized my mood greatly improved when i feel comfortable walking around.
Recognition. I feel like i'm already one of the school staff. Officially. Because i have the shirt the school gave me, and an account used for school works. Which every single teacher in the school owned. Cool enough! 'Selamat bertugas di ______'. Ayat keramat!
Anyway, most of people (maktab friends particularly) were having fun playing sports cause of Hari Sukan Negara today. 101015. (Government also announced 2nd week of Oct every year will be Hari Sukan Negara next year on). Hmm while I mereput having so many relief classes today. BUT..!
I won't complain. I won't. I will continue to work hard in this school, eventhough still haven't 'posting', cause i want 'disahkan jawatan' as fast as i can.
So i can further my studies. Faster.
Having this thought (making it an aim) actually helps me alot in actually having fun in school, whatever they gave me. Bring it on, give anything, everything, i will accept it with no complain. More when i sincerely put my heart to do work for Allah. Blessed!
Cuma cabarannya adalah insan-insan di sekeliling yang tak puas hati bagi pihak aku sebab dapat banyak kelas relief setiap hari. Chill people. I have no complain. Really. These people actually will bring me down when i'm keeping myself positive. Still, i'll accept this as another type of challenge.
Jiayou! 加友! -Yana
Friday, 9 October 2015
Oh Exam! 091015
A quick post on a situation during handling (i don't think this is the right word but whatever) exam today.
I entered the class after another teacher. In other words, in the middle of the exam. As usual i walked around the class (i love to see students' answers). I speak no word. The class was also in dead silence.
Time moving on, i saw few students having really hard time answering, more to»writing. Cause it's Bahasa Melayu (PENULISAN) paper. 1 of student don't even write a single word, when 1 hour already gone.
So i broke the silence and said "siapa ada masalah boleh angkat tangan, tanya. Anyone having any problem, you can raise you hand and ask me". Suddenly most students murmuring and having new looks on their faces.
Apa korang ingat aku tunggul ke tadi? Dah tentu la cikgu ada suara, boleh cakap.
Turn out they really need help. They don't know many words, some having clues but can't really write, most are not sure if their answer is correct etc etc.
And i helped them. By translating Eng to Malay, by confirming their doubt, by throwing few Malay words to help with the paper ( darjah 5 kot, standard dah kena tulis karangan, tapi perkataan pun diorang pening lagi).
Back to the 'new looks on their faces'. It's like, when I'm offering help, they have this 'oh we can ask', 'oh i thought we cannot ask anything' kind of faces. It had me thinking: cikgu-cikgu sebelum ni tak tolong korang ke? Rare sangat ke aku bagi ayat 'kalau ada masalah boleh tanya'?
1 thing i learn: these kids want to learn. They are trying. Let us not easily scolding them for trying. Even if they are MEMORIZING the sentences (this had me laughing during the exam cause i can detect it).
Aku faham. Ramai cikgu kurang sabar. Tahun 5 pun tak faham Bahasa Melayu lagi! Tapi mungkin bukan marah yang mereka perlukan. Mereka perlukan sokongan. Tak kisahlah bangsa apa pun, tapi kalau mereka nak belajar, they are willing to learn, it's my very pleasure to help. Niat ikhlas kerana Allah, i find no hardship in it.
Aku cakap 'jia you!' kat budak Chinese yang tak tulis satu apa pun kat kertas dia. Kawan dia gelak. "Cikgu dia ini memang Cina punya.." aku: LOL kid hahahaha hoii memang la dia Chinese.. dah tu apa? Hahaha but i get your meaning. He can't with Malay and English. Anyway, all the best kids for next year UPSR.
P/s: Tajuk: Hari Sukan Sekolah. Student: cikgu, 'train' tu apa? Me: kereta api? Student: er..hahaha me: eh sorry, you mean 'latihan'... *facepalm me* -yana-
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Long time no see, Alvin Chong!
-.- at my title.
oh well.
but indeed, last time i met him, accidentally when he crossed us (royal fambam) during VIXX event, somewhere in June. last time attended event was somewhere in.. April or May? that was with Sharon.
4 months.
So i decided to join this Born This Way tour in Cheras cause the previous weeks i was busy with settling my final year & starting life at new school. Prolly will update on that later.
And since Cheras near to my current place, so i can go back after-event easier (but NOT until i find out school was forced-closed for 2 days because of haze. 3-4 hours journey back to Kuala Selangor home again)
This time i was alone. i hesitated to asked anyone to join me because the IPU index for haze that day was so SO bad. Cheras alone passed 150 mark. very unhealthy. So i just braced myself, wear mask, and took public transport to event venue, which is Cheras Leisure Mall.
Event started quite late cause the venue was used for the mall event. Some lucky draw. i forgot i need to write letter, so i rushed to Popular Bookstore next building, but inside, i heard Alvin's name on the radio/speaker, so i thought the event already started.
Run again, but found out it hasn't started. -.- they invited Alvin to call out the lucky draw. heh. so no letter for Alvin. Maybe next time.
Took some time for Alvin to realized i was there. He asked (through body language) if i'm alone? i replied with nod.
So event started with MC Lawrence, pick few people for game. i need to keep myself low, so i didn't take part in any game. (Also told mum i was to meet friend, -my friend is Alvin?- so yeah, i need to keep low).
2 cover songs , i think i've heard those before, but i don't know the song titles. Now for pictures:
my fav picture |
celebrity friends (?) |
Alvin tangan awkward hahahaha |
pastu jadi ke situ la tangannya |
unforgettable scene, when going upstage for fansign:
Alvin: Yanaaaaaa!! -tangan stretch out- tapi sambil duduk lol
me: -lol drama, layankan- Alvinnnnnn!!!!
Macam saudara terpisah lama. rindu la tu..kan? :p
ok that's all. See you when i see you Alvin.
Sunday, 13 September 2015
What does you see in picture tells you about?
A picture speaks thousand words. Well, a simple test sometimes helps people figure out their current situations in life, and start to tackle problem that lies.
And this simple test really speaks my mind.
what 1st picture do you see?
My conclusion: that's why pimples won't go away. -yana
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
pH- pINK x Haoren Promo Tour in North area (pHantasy Mirror) + ntv7 Persona drama promo
Long post alert (because writing this while being moody).
Saw Haoren and Pink counting down their Mirror MV released, but i was too busy to check it fast, until that night after my birthday (couldn't sleep cause someone treat me coffee for birthday). So the owl trio were alive that night (Me,Fai,Aya). I downloaded Mirror MV by pH.
While waiting, backtracked Haoren's ig (been busy to check ig timeline). Then i realized pH going to tour, included there my study place.
I know i didn't follow Haoren before, just get to know him better few months ago (sleepless night spazzing Haoren at my house with Aya, until we discuss we should do fanpage for Haoren haha~!).
Mirror is a very very great song! Lucky to have Fai at that time to spazz immediately how great the mv is! *Aya boleh pulak tak join spazz mv malam tu. She died on Juztin instead LOL* i SUPER love the MV. It matches so well with the song. The beat, the moving plot, everything. One of the best MV. Proud it is from our local artists.
The Events.
Aya decided to come from Perlis for Haoren in SP. I was happy of course. She knows Haoren better. If me alone.. *krik krik moments*.
I fetched Aya at ktm station in the evening, we hangout to eat at the same mall they gonna perform. Received bday cake from Aya (thank youuuu) and Aya showed me the cake for Pink and Haoren. Rushed one but i always think the thoughts that count haha! We lepak to eat 1st (Yana is hungry), while we write fanletter to Haoren n Pink.
I sincerely don't know how to start writing though, what to write to Haoren? Hmmmm... for Pink? Longer hmmmmmmmmmm... but we still managed to write, put our letters in the cake bag, separately for Haoren n Pink. Aya getting nervous because of Haoren. Me: uhmmm slightly nervous, when they START PLAYING MIRROR OTL that song on speaker is.. *thumbs up* gugur jantung.
We went to stage area to find there are already quite alot of people, and to be honest, i was surprised. I thought there won't be alot of people, more when those people were early. Later on we realized they are Kyo's fanclub, and we learned that..
it was a combined event of ntv7 drama:Persona promo+pH album promo. Ok. Breath in breath out. We (I) totally didn't expect that. Aya bought 3 pHantasy albums. There are lots of tall people infront of us, plus tiny people who actually gets on my nerves but i need to behtahan. Event supposed to start at 8pm, starts quite later than stated. So the Kyo fans were excited 1st to see their artist.
Then i realized Fabian Loo was there too. Fabian. FABIAN OTL Aya~!!!! ,was my reaction.
I was not ready for the fact that he joined this promo. I know he promoted the drama on his ig alot, but AHHHH HE WAS THERE, FABIAN! ok stop spazzing Yana.
We were pushed alot, end up being in the center of crowd,but we were like, at the 3rd line. Not a good view actually,and Aya doesn't has dlsr with her. My camera didn't help also. End up we were at center, and Fabian was actually in line with us. We have to wait for Persona promo before pH getting on stage (i'll save the story of Persona promo for the 2nd night of promo). Aya was sleepy, i was...hot. i never like crowd like that, tersepit di tengah-tengah lautan manusia.
Crowd getting bigger when time passed. 1 comment: Persona casts were so hyper.
We still wait for pH, and brightened up when we saw Pink n Haoren's figure besides the stage. Like..FINALLY. the drama promo took around..45minutes. A very long time cause we waited for pH,not them.
Haoren noticed Aya, bowed and peace to her (like waiting for photo to be taken) but Aya's hands full of album n she didn't hold any camera. Haoren didn't see me (pendek) with tall people infront of me. They sang Mirror and i was excited, pumped up to listen to this song live. Sound system was bad though, it was almost they sing without background music, but pH still nailed it. We sang along. Habit. I recorded the performance, but it's too Haoren-biased lol
1 thing is, I was kinda mad when Persona casts disturbed pH singing the song, when it's almost over. It was funny, yes, but since we waited for the song really long, I feel unjust (dunno if this is right word). Come on, we want to listen to full song T.T that's what i thought. So Haoren n Pink sang the song but end up laughing n didn't sing..the last 2 verse? I was sad. It was not enough.
I wave to Haoren when he was on the way down from stage, HAOREN REPLIED MY WAVE!!!!
So Pink n Haoren went away from stage, me n Aya walk penguin style trying to catch them, but stop midway for Aya to ask the staff if there's fansign for pH, then we U-turn to stage area.
We have to wait for photo session of drama promo (took long,again), then only pH appeared for fansign besides the stage. I dragged Aya into the line (cause we have to be fast,I have hostel curfew).
Me: You or me 1st? Aya: -tak sempat jawab- me: we both go at same time la. So me approached Pink, Aya approached Haoren. We gave the bag. Queue me blurted out anything i can think of. Cause i know Aya always froze infront of her fav artists. Pink respond so quickly,to my surprise. I talked abt Aya baking the cake herself,we cheer for them during Mirror (sesi memalukan diri dgn demo chorus dpn pH *facepalm Yana*), watched the mv, made pH (and staff) laughing cause i rejected using 1 phone to take photo, i want separate phone of me n Aya.
Staff: want to use 1 phone to take photo?
Me: -firmly- NO -immediately walk behind Pink n Haoren-
comel je Pink gelak.
Later after they took photo for Aya, me n Aya turn back "errr tomorrow?"
Haoren: Autocity 9pm
us: ok see you tomorrow.
(We didn't plan for this earlier but we agreed we're not satisfied with too little singing from pH). We spazz how cute is Pink on our way to car. She was touched of our support, from the way she spoke.
2nd night.
We almost not going, going using public trans,in the end going with car (panjang ceritanya).
Arrived at Autocity quite early (i didn't know we can reached Juru Autocity from SP in less than 30minutes. I didn't speed ok. Not passing 100km/h). I searched for venue (it's not long since last time i went for Wincci n Eunice, so i was familiar with Autocity).
Same place as 1st time i met Alvin. Front line still empty (sitting event people! I'm relieved), we took left side. Asked person sitting if the seats are empty.
Me: these seats,,empty?
Girl:-ask her friend besides- 沙发发射场更好(i didn't mean this literally) SHE SPOKE TO ME IN CHINESE.
her: yeah 2 seats there empty. We sat.
Her:-continue to talk to me in chinese- weyhhh aku tak paham~~~ but i smiled, and nodded here n there. Then she mentioned Alvin (still in chinese, though i think i already said sorry,i only understand a bittt of chinese)
and i said yes..yes..alvin's fan.
Apa-apa je la labu~ our view was magnificent (though Aya said we should sit in the middle) me: not really best choice. Kyo's fanclub here again, and they are TALL. We were moved more to front cause auntie at the back said people will stand infront of the-sitting us, it happened before,she said.
It was quite cramped, but it was ok. I tested my camera for photo alot, trying to get better picture with all the blue spotlight from stage. We were worried about curfew. So much. Event didn't start at 9pm. They have dance performances. 9.15, 9.30, 9.40 still not starting. Estimated from night before, it would passed 10.30, when we originally plan to chow at 9.45. We cry in our hearts. Curfew i hatechu.
One thing we realized too late was: that night was 31Aug night. There's always countdown. WE FORGOT. No wonder the event started late. We agreed that whatever, we could just faced consequences of passing the curfew. I nearly enjoyed the drama promo so much if i didn't check the time so often.
1st game for Persona promo was 'guess the song'. Abang Ali, staff from ntv7 was introduced. FUNNY TILL ME & AYA LITERALLY SHADE TEARS. sakit perut gelak. Cause we can relate. Sing chinese song you dunno the lyrics or meaning, much like how I sing too.. kekekekekeke too funny. Even mc wayne was almost literally rolling on the stage laughing. So semangat.
Later i noticed Pink besides the stage, and noticed Haoren too. Poked Aya and showed her. They almost start the 2nd game (GOSH THE TIME!!), pH almost walked back into the backstage tent, when they pushed back 2nd game, pH sing 1st. Phewwww.
So pH on stage, they throw few posters around. Nope we didn't catch any. I thought at this time Pink already noticed us. Then they sing Mirror. Record again, making sure this time i didn't become too Haoren-biased. Sound system was bit better, but most importantly, Haoren n Pink sang to their heart content.
pH-Mirror fancam 300815
Powerful vocals!!! -fancam shaky too much when Pink wave to us wohooo fanservice!- this time we already expect disturbance from Persona casts, and we enjoyed it this time. (Well i was surprised my fancam is usable with all those shaky moments plus laughing while recording).
End of performance, we immediately run leaving the venue, towards car. The rest is history.
Q & A with myself:
Q: feeling of 1st time seeing Haoren?
A: normal. But his VOICE IS SO SPAZZABLE i would definitely love to listen to his live again.
Q: How about Pink?
A: She is so freaking cute. Her vocal is great too, match with Haoren, and they are so cute together. I love Pink's friendliness.
Q: overall of pH?
A: Sing like a cd. Recording or live, it's the same. I'm proud of their vocals.
Q:SP or Penang? Which event you prefer?
Me: honestly, Penang. View was great, sounds was loud, didn't have to hide face. pH singing was less disturbed. But yeah, sadly can't stay for fansign.
Q: i see you have many photos other than pH
A:sorry my finger automatically clicks much for Fabian. Emily is cute too. So are the others. Kyo, Jojo, MadamD. Even abg Ali. They made it fun, when we accepted them as combined event.
Q:anymore to say?
A: sorry and thanks to Aya. Our original plans were far different from these. But you still have patience with me, we go through together,and i am sorry. I know i accept regrets faster than you, harap tak serik la going events unplanned and messed up with me again. And I hope Fai can join us sometimes,next time.
Phewww. Other than these, let the photos speak, check my ig or my twitter. See you again next time pH~!
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