Tuesday 13 October 2015

Languages: Malay, English, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, Javanese (hit me now)

Languages. I know i love it, but i also know that i don't have talent in it. I know pieces and bites but never excel in any.

Bahasa Melayu? Got B for SPM. English? Just so-so. I'm still having hard time reading NST or English newspaper, though by now, i have more confidence in using it for speaking.

Other languages? I just know a liiiiittle bit. There's Korean, just few vocabs from Japanese, one or two from Chinese. I don't say i know Arabic language well, cause i'll just embarrassing myself. I sucks in it, though 5+years learning.

As for writing, i enjoy Jawi, eventhough my biggest weakness in it it quite huge, that is 'spelling'.

YET my daily life currently revolves around languages. A LOT.

I teach in Chinese school, though not directly teaching Chinese students, almost everyday i have to deal with them given the relief classes. Like it or not, i have to find ways to handle the classes full with language that i don't understand (Chinese) and the easiest way is to attempt to use Chinese. Laugh from students is common, but I'm not bothered by that.

I'm quite in puzzling situation when i use English to explain Math during 1 of my relief class. Hmmm i seems like i tried to use Malay, but English came out more naturally that time.

(I once re-write Got7's song title 딱좋아 on board in 1 of my relief class. Added 안좋아 and 너무 좋아 to that. I got the loudest applaud i had in years (exclude when i got applaud after coming back to practicum school). Heh. Showing off to get points eh Yana?)

Another time, today, students use Chinese in my Jawi class, when they fight to write Jawi on board (all in class are Malay, or at least mix-Malay) Why use Chinese? I don't know. I just let them be. On side note, i love when the students were so immersed in Jawi learning that they don't bothered about the bell ringing indicating school was over. Good. Spirit to learn is what i want.

Oh and at home i currently staying, the couples are Javanese, so they were times they use Javanese with each others, or when friends came over. I only understand one or two. -how much more i have to deal with languages,slang and writing, only Allah knows-

Today after maghrib is going to be New Year. In Islam Calendar. Hijr Calendar. And I hope for the best in Islam, for my family and me, for me to endure and enjoy languages as they are. Salam 1 Muharram 1437 Hijriah. -Yana-

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