Ok it started with, i stumbled on myfm fb, where it said there'll be live event for pH-pINK x Haoren, but we need to register, answer question and write slogan for we can get free pass to the event.
The event is limited to registered fans only. Of course i need to get in. I tried to send the entry so many times on myfm page, but i don't know, and I'm not sure if the entry is ever submitted. I wait for a week, and the event date was already approaching, and i got no mail or notification from myfm. I already gave up, i planned to just enjoy bingsu before going back to hometown, a day later than usual.
On Wednesday evening, i suddenly open my fb (where i don't usually do in the evening) and i saw Haoren's fb page posted something related to pH event on Saturday. Translated it: fast fans can pm number to secure pass to the event. It was 3 minutes ago from the time i read that post. Quickly sent pm to Haoren's page. Few minutes later, i suddenly recall it's pH event, so i head to Pink's page and saw same post. So i pm Pink's page too.
Was so happy when Pink's page reply my pm on fb.
Took bus there. Reached too early, spent my time in tesco (wandering and write short letter to pH. This time letter to Pink is longer than to Haoren haha!) near Verve Suites KL South, the venue for myfm live for pH. It's the same venue they had for pH album launched, also the setting for their MV Waiting For Your Call.
11.35 am, i walked into the building, bumped into an acquaintance, hi-ed her, and i follow her to the floor where the event supposed to be held (building is still under construction so it's bit confusing).
Got goodie bag, then i saw few familiar faces. Then i saw the staff who called me. She waved to me and i replied her. She's as friendly as on phone, and she recall my name too.
I woke up early (4am?) and already kinda worn out, i feel like sleeping waiting for event to start. It started abit pass 12pm, where Jym 1st come out to greet us as mc. Of course he's the mc, yeah, it's myfm live corner. Already familiar with his voice cause i usually listen to myfm friday nite live. I'm excited for him too teheee..
So Pink and Haoren enter, with Sam (which I first thought only a guitarist but end up a singer also) joining them for this event.
They started with acoustic of Waiting For Your Call.
(Jym introduced Waiting For Your Call in singing style, his voice is sooo good too!)
After singing, pH introduced themselves and greet the -small- crowd. Pink immediately recognized me, but Haoren's the one pointed to me 1st, greeting me -with mic- Malay friend, thanks for coming.
Haoren: We have a Malay friend there..
Pink: Yana..Yana right?
Me: -nod-
Jym: aa..Yana..
Haoren: Hai nama saya Haoren.
Me: LOL -uii mesti la aku kenal ko Haoren-
Pink: Malay dia teruk punya hahaha
Jym: -In Chinese- so do you understand what we are saying?
Me: -shake head-
Jym: -in Chinese- ahh..eyhhh? Then how she understands my question?
HAHAHAHAHA crowd pun gelak sekali. Mmg aku tak paham Chinese, tapi aku sentiasa paham soalan tu.
After that, pH played a game related to call. I understand the game as:
You need to call a friend, then you make that friend say certain words as a task.
Haoren 1st, he called Orange. As slow as you know Haoren is, he took so long to make Orange said the 1st words. 2nd word, 3rd words, until 1 time, Haoren said something so funny so sudden, the staffs had to run to the back because they can't contained their laugh, Jym already fall to the floor laughing HAHAHAHA OK HAOREN MAY BE SLOW, BUT HE CAN BE FUNNY IN THAT SLOWNESS.
Pink decided to call Peace (? Hope I'm not wrong). Peace is faster in guessing the words. Pink already succeed in beating Haoren, she almost hang up, when Peace on the other hand, makes her play game for him too.. give and take eh?
In the middle, Haoren suddenly try to translate about this game in Malay for me, but he failed so bad, aku kena tutup mulut dari gelakkan Haoren punya Malay kuat-kuat. Sorry Haoren. Pink gelak kuat kat Malay Haoren. Jym tried to help Haoren translate in Malay, but also failed, so he gave up lol.
So Pink won. She gives punishment to Haoren, write 'i love you' with butt. My evil Pink jiejie is so excited "ok everyone record this ya kekekeke". Haoren dengan pemalunya hesitate to do it, Jym had to pull him to front to do it. Here's the video Pink requested lol:
So cute (and funny too).
After that, singing time again. Haoren cover on song Ed Sheeran-Think Out Loud. I was,am excited everytime Haoren singing english songs because he's so good at it. And Haoren exceeded my expectations, he's GREAT, WONDERFUL in it. But there's sound technical problem halfway, where's Pink and Sam's mics seems to making noises.
So Haoren need to sing it again. (I translate it in my own way) Jym: they (fans) don't mind you have to sing it again. Me: so true. But i still like the 1st time Haoren singing it because he sings with so much soul, i keep staring at Haoren alone the whole time. I love live session SO MUCH.
This is the 2nd time Haoren singing Think Out Loud, slightly different from 1st time.
After that, Pink's time to sing her cover song. Pink covers Love Me Like You Do. I JUST LOVE HER SINGING SO MUCH I WANTED TO HUG HER THAT VERY MOMENT, I KEEP SMILING THE WHOLE TIME. I clapped very hard too, after Pink done singing her cover song.
Then, they sing few Chinese songs. 2 songs?
I enjoy it, then game time. They picked fans who raised up hand fastest. 3 for Pink. Then when Haoren picking 3 fans to play game, Pink said to me: Yana come, Yana come play, me: ah no, let the guy -pointed to back- play. Actually i don't want to do it because 1: Haoren already pointed that guy at the back. 2: i don't know what type of game so i was kinda scared.
AND I'M GLAD I DIDN'T COME OUT. The game is to put biscuit on your forehead, let it slide down to your mouth, you win when biscuit enter your mouth. (I wear spectacle so that's a hard task for me). But this game hella funny for watchers. I laughed until my cheek hurt.
Haoren's team won this one (through few cheatings, Pink is not satisfied in a cute way hihi). They took photos with fans.
Then another 2 Chinese songs? In the middle, I remember Jym asked about pH, their collaboration, even ask about their relationship (i guess? I dunno i don't understand Chinese). I recall Pink silent 1st, then she said her parents were there with them today. After that i can't understand. Haoren's picking safe answer maybe, and Jym called him 'puppy' in love. Cute.
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Gambar scandal pH 哈哈 |
Haoren also commented that pH chemistry is hen hao, so good, ...(they might continue working as pH?) as answer to Jym's question of what's pH plan after this.
They end it with title song from pHantasy album- Mirror. (I searched my gallery, then i realized i didn't record this song, cause i remember i want to fully enjoy listening to it), exchanging smiles and glances with Pink.
Jym to pH: last words for this event?
Pink: .... (i don't understand again, but i think she said to continue supporting them).
Haoren:... the part i understand: thank you for coming, thank you to Yana, we really, really appreciate it -i shot a smile to Haoren as reply-
After that fans chances to take photo with pH one by one, so there's queue. I took selfie with Jym 1st. I originally want to sneak around and take selfie with Sam too, but he's quite far, talking to staffs, so i failed to do so.
Reached my time, i passed my phone to staff and went to middle to take photo with Haoren and Pink. Since everyone before me did 'call-love' pose with BOTH Haoren and Pink, i turned to Haoren and said "sorry Haoren, i'll only do the pose with Pink". Haoren nodded, but Pink replied with "that's right, don't do it with him haha~!", in playful way. You love to tease Haoren, right jiejie? ;)
While waiting for staff who's having trouble finding the camera button, Pink commented to me: your fingers so long! I just giggled. Haoren as polite as he is, go to front to help staff find the button hehe..
The friendly staff finds me and said to me: Yana, we have refreshments provided, and it's halal, so you can have it. I thanked her. It's abit pass 2pm so of course i was hungry too.
So it's like free session after that. I saw a fan taking selca with Haoren, so the selca time begins! I took one with Haoren 1st, he offered to me to push the button (since my hand shorter than him), i let him. He bowed to me after that.
Then i wait for Pink. She took my phone and accidentally snap a picture haha! Pink said sorry to me, but she's the one actually not ready. She said my phone was in zoomed mode, but sorry Pink, asus front camera is like that, it's originally in zoomed mode. Can't change that.
Pink end up taking not 1 or 2 but 4 or 5 selca, she's like abusing my phone lol, so here's faces we made:
I talked with Pink, since many are busy selca with Haoren. We talked casually.
Pink: where do you come from?
Me: Seri Kembangan~
Pink: Is it far from here?
Me: hmm not that far. 30minutes by driving. Plus jam.
Pink: oh if plus jam, means not bad la. Quite ok. So you're driving?
Me: no, i took bus.
Pink: then going back?
Me: by bus also.
Pink: oh! Take care ok! (Sweet sis she is)
After some times, fans took selca with Pink, i waited, then i asked "Pink.. can i hug you?" Pink with little confused face, " yeah, sure~" Most assuring hug i got from her. Thank you so much, you made my day.
Then i saw few fans talking to Haoren. I was just standing near Haoren there, doing nothing, suddenly i realized other fans had left me with Haoren, to go to Pink.
I looked at Haoren, suddenly he started a conversation 1st, (not me. It amused me as i know Haoren is a bit pendiam, quiet type).
Haoren: so..datang mana..dari mana?
Me: datang dari mana? Seri Kembangan.
Haoren: oh tak jauh sangat. Around here right?
Me: yup. But after this i'm going back to my hometown, Kuala Selangor.
Haoren: jauhnya~!!
Me: yeah..
Pastu borak ape dah tak ingat.
Me: Haoren, you remember Aya?
Haoren: ...
Me: the one with me when you come to Sg Petani?
Haoren: ah..!!
Me: she can't come cause she lives far away, in Perlis..
Haoren: -making ooo mouth-
Me: can i request, you send video message to her?
-aku pun terus angkat phone nak shot video, sebab rasa Haoren bagi respon slow-
So Haoren gave the video message to Aya, then i send it to her.
Haoren: so.. makan? It's Halal..
Me: yeah..jom..
So i walked with Haoren (though far from him) to the eating area. Pakcik waiter: silakan makan, jangan risau, halalan toyyiban~! Me: haha ok~
Then i saw my fav staff jiejie,s.b. jiejie. I didn't realized she was in the event until that moment. S.b. jiejie: wah Yana..you're so good, so supportive. I saw you sit 2nd row from front~ then i talked abit with jiejie. Jym was at same table with jiejie. He just looked at me talking to jiejie. Maybe abit surprised i know jiejie like old friend haha!
Then when i try to find table to eat (it's standing table, no chair, which i don't like but i don't have a choice but to eat standing too). A guy (i think he's Pink's brother) offer a place at a table "there's another Malay there" me,"oh really?" Aku terlupa membayangkan dia lelaki. He's the technical staff. More awkward when another staffs left only two of us at that table. (Tapi aku lapar, screw shyness to eat infront of a guy). He asked "memang minat diorang ni ke?" Me "haah", him,"masa album launch takde kan? Me: tak, tak pegi. Means this is not his 1st event with pH. Ok. Talked abit with him, before he moved to other place, left me alone on that table. I saw Haoren queue to take his food, i smiled at him the way i smiled at my students, he replied with slight bow. Dah memang feeling scene kat sekolah pulakkkk.
I took my drink and stand behind s.b jiejie. Later s.b jiejie realized of me, and we talked alot after that. Catch up on few things, including Alvin's schedule. We even talked about wedding and school stuffs. Of course because i'm closed with s.b. jiejie even before this.
Jym bye-ing pH before going back (wearing his backpack, cute.) so he walked infront of me, me: Jym byeee.. Jym: oh, byee~ Later i greet s.b jiejie and staff jiejie before going back, Haoren noticed i said i want to go back, he lifted his head from signing fans' album, then wave bye to me. I waved him back.
I almost end up in same lift as Jym, but Jym decided to try open a door to a suite, and peeking inside, so he didn't go in. But at ground floor, we meet again, sebab Jym salah arah. Dia sepatutnya amek lift pegi parking, aku yang sepatutnya kat tempat dia, so we crossed each other and walked our way out opposite each other.
Pink is so sweet, hyper, cute and nice person. She got that friendliness from papa? Her dad greet me with "dah makan?" when he walked near me :) And Haoren is still so polite and slow (sorry Haoren. Me also). I'm glad i'm able to talk to them in such calm and not rushing situation. Thanks myfm for this event, thanks pH for the great time, i'll never forget the day.
P/s: i only uploaded 1 chinese song from them here. If you want to listen to the rest, you can meet me, or comment below or on my youtube channel.
See you again pH, hopefully with my friends next time^^ -yanaliyana
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