Wednesday, 27 July 2016
What giving lesson and good deed do to you?
It's such a day of few meaningful events to me. I started my day feeling sluggish because i couldn't get enough sleep last night due to caffeine. I was quite late to school, when it's my duty day.
During my duty work, i finally get how the 4-tones in chinese language works. So i followed students recite 'di zhi gui'.
I was still sleeping during class, but i still managed well. Just that i have zero mood to do my lesson plans.
Before i realized, it's already time for co-curricular activity. Bulan Sabit Merah for me. 1st class. Ok. Questions being thrown, almost the best class i get this time because 90% of the students actually engaged in the discussion.
2nd class, here comes trouble. I went in, and already during the greeting, there's a group of student behind that doesn't greet me. I let others sit and just watching two students arguing with each other. One almost punch the other, but luckily didn't.
But that doesn't stop there. The one trying to punch other, didn't want to sit, immediately disobey my instruction to do so. I feel i've been wrong. But the real issue is not about sitting or standing, and even i don't understand chinese, i know the case is not simply disobeying me.
I sort of challenged the boys to solved their problem, and firmly on my stand on not starting the class when they haven't solved the problem and JUST SIT DOWN. i know i have the time, and i know this is not the 1st time the boys not listening in my class.
I told the class to watch how the boys solve their problem, to actually taking this opportunity to teach some manner and life lessons to these kids. Took 20 minutes to the boys finally involving me to help them solve it, though i actually don't want to (being detective in school in short of time doesn't do justice to right kids most of the time, in my opinion. That's why i don't want to).
Some of the students feels irritated when the boys didn't seem to want to solve it. That's when i said the real cause of the scene. And finally stepping in to help sort out what actually happened. The kid standing actually told me to start the class by ignoring him.
..which get a solid NO from me. Said i won't ignore even ONE of the student in my class. Seems like the case started from talking bad to each other, and bullying included (i got it correct, things didn't started just recently. I've been watching the boys long enough to finally speak) I got confessions, but i don't want to blame either, simply because i feel both are in wrong.
Instead, i ask the whole class how they would solve this type of problem. I assisted them, and i got 'we have to say sorry' as answers from few. Point scored.
I pointed out 2 things: 1)listen to your teacher. 2)learn to say 'l'm sorry'. Talking bad about/to other people never do any good, for whatever the reason is.
Happy ending, the standing boy finally sit down after 30minutes, he even recover from the rage and laugh at the end of class. The other one say 'sorry, sorry' which lack of sincerity but ok, at least you say it. Best part, before going out of the class, the standing boy bowed to me and said 'teacher i'm sorry' and i replied with it's ok and don't do it again.
All the above are said in class, not just my monologue. Hoping that the kids really learn life lessons from things i pointed out. They're really lack of manners, kids nowadays.
When i was driving back home, i feel a bit empty deep in my soul. I plan to take fresh air/looking at blue sky from high place on the lrt station near my house (the railway is really high above road).
I drove around for parking 3 rounds before i give up a near parking and just park besides the convenience store, grab few snacks and start walking to the lrt station. An uncle was with his wife, stopping me to ask if there's taxi around. But i said it would be hard here, you have to go further ahead. They thanked me and walk away. I was halfway on the stairs to up above, when it crossed me that Allah actually wants to heal me in another way.
I turned around and go back to my car hoping the couple didn't go to far. They didn't, and i rolled down my window, offering them to take them to place where there are more taxi available.
The feeling of satisfaction of helping the couple after that, is undeniable. Even if they're different race from me. Whoever they are.
It was such a blessed day for me, though not the best day. I believe Allah has better plans for me, and i won't stop my dua'. -yanaliyana
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
D1: Misi bermula! #YanaDay2DayMission #D1
My Day-to-day mission already started today!!! Yeay!!! Nak tau background projek aku ni, boleh check entri sebelum ni. tingkatkan-motivasi-diri-hari-ke-hari
Ok, aku memang tak sabar-sabar nak mulakan projek motivasi diri untuk orang pemalas (atau mungkin senang-hilang-fokus) macam aku ni. Aku pun mula la cabut kertas misi malam tadi.
"JAJANG!!!" aku dapat: "Tulis sajak ringkas". Aku pun macam... =.= aku tak rasa aku semangat untuk bangun esok kalau misi aku macam ni.
Kelebihan projek ni adalah, kalau aku tak suka, aku cabut lain muahahahaha dah nama pun nak tingkatkan motivasi kan. Jadi aku cabut lagi sekali...
Hmmm.. aku berfikir panjang lepas tu. Lagi satu kelebihan projek ni adalah, aku boleh postponed apa yang aku cabut ke hari seterusnya, atas alasan kesesuaian masa. Ini perbezaan projek aku kali ni banding zaman maktab. Kali ni aku lebih laid-back dan taknak stress.. no hardship towards myself. Love yourself kata Justin Biebir..?
Macam dalam gambar, mission aku harini "belajar & guna 5 perkataan Cina dalam sehari". Strip bawah tu pulak, aku tanda "D2" kat hujung dia. Maknanya tu strip yang aku postponed esok. Next entri baru aku tunjuk apa misi yang aku postponed tu. Bawah sekali "tulis sajak ringkas". Aku tak tanda apa-apa belakang dia incase aku nak masukkan balik dalam senarai misi. Yang harini punya aku dah tanda sebagai "D1"=Day 1.
Aku tanda sebab 1)tak ulang misi yang sama. 2)aku boleh simpan and can keep track which day i did which, in case i want to do some throwback maybe? Oh patut tulis tarikh sekali.
Ok hasil D1....*drumroll*
BERJAYA! Succeed! 성공!
Takde hadiah, kepuasan dia dah cukup. Cuma, aku belajar perkataan Cina lebih dari 5, tapi aku guna sikit je hahaha
Apapun, aku sedar dalam menjalankan misi aku, aku dah jadi lebih kreatif dan berani, malah dapat ilmu lebih dari aku target!
Sebab aku guna (tulis) perkataan tu dalam kelas, kat papan putih. Aku belajar 4 intonasi sebutan, dan terima kasih tak terhingga kat kawan sekerja aku yang aku rapat, Wong, aku belajar banyak tentang bahasa Cina dalam masa yang singkat.
Proved-shot. No more words needed. Can't wait for tomorrow's mission! #YanaDay2DayMission #YD2DM #D1
Tingkatkan motivasi diri hari ke hari bagi orang malas. Mampu kah?
I have yet to update the 2nd part of my sudden Penang trip. I'll skip that 1st because i'm up to something now. It's called self-motivation.
Lama dah tak guna Bahasa Melayu, jadi entry ini akan bercampur Bahasa Melayu & Bahasa Inggeris. You know, when suddenly i can't think of the Malay word hahaha..
Ia adalah salah satu projek pembangunan diri sendiri..gitu! Masa zaman maktab dulu, aku guna cara 'countdown-motivation' iaitu menetapkan had masa untuk senarai beberapa kerja perlu dihabiskan.
Contohnya ada 7 perkara yang perlu diselesaikan (basuh baju, kemas bilik, tulis nota, hantar barang, etc). Aku tetapkan, dalam masa 3 jam, sebelum pukul 11pagi misalnya, aku dah habiskan kerja aku.
Dengar macam selalu buat je.. tapi mesti tak jadi kan? Kita akan 'end-up' postponed masa kerja tu kan?
Apa yang aku buat, aku set countdown (timer) kat phone. Dan phone aku akan berbunyi macam alarm setiap sejam yang dah dihabiskan.
Memang berkesan, pasal setiap kali alarm tu berbunyi, aku alert masa aku makin hampir ke tamat. Boleh gak set 1/2jam sekali alarm tu bunyi. Setiap kali aku tengok phone aku, masa tu makin sikit-makin sikit. Gelabah kauuu..
Ala-ala jam pasir gak la. Tapi versi moden. Dan berbunyi. Kasi gempak sikit.
Namun apakan daya, zaman belajar dah berlalu. Aku mula keje. Bajet macam lepak, tapi aku sedar motivasi aku makin turun. Tu la, sape suruh tak set target/ cita-cita awal-awal lagi kan? Susah untuk aku set matlamat jangka panjang/pendek bila aku masih terumbang-ambing nak sesuaikan rutin harian bekerja ni.
Jadi aku pun keluar la dengan idea 'day-to-day mission'. Misi hari-ke-hari. Apa dia menatang ni?
Cara dia:
1) aku tulis benda-benda yang aku suka buat (berkaitan travel, art, kamera, etc), sebagai misi yang boleh dibuat dalam sehari, dalam banyak-banyak kertas yang akan aku gulung nanti.
2) dah siap dalam 30, aku gulung semuanya, letak dalam 1 bekas. Lagi banyak lagi bagus, kalau boleh nak buat 365, untuk setahun terus.
3) setiap malam, sebelum tidur, aku cabut satu kertas, misi untuk keesokan hari.
4) aku tidur dengan mindset aku ada misi untuk esok hari...
Ni contoh misi aku buat la. Boleh tengok kat gambar tu camne aku tulis aku punya misi. Ikut kreativiti nak buat misi lagu mana. Boleh suma..(utagha plak tetiba)..
Hasilnya, aku akan lebih semangat bangun esoknya, dan melaksanakan misi aku dalam masa 1 hari, takde la asyik fikir nak sambung tidur je... Jadi, kita tengok apa hasilnya dalam entri lepas-lepas ni...
Diingatkan bahawa 2 cara motivasi diri di atas, aku reka sendiri, untuk diri aku yang malas dia tahap Ya Allah Subhanallah Tabarakallah hoiii tolong la siapakan keje! punya tahap malas.
I know i was born to be great, but yeah, i'm still basically poor in attitude management. Kalau anda mempunyai matlamat hidup yang jelas dan kuat, teruskan usaha anda, anda dah silap baca blog ni haha! Love-yanaliyana
Lama dah tak guna Bahasa Melayu, jadi entry ini akan bercampur Bahasa Melayu & Bahasa Inggeris. You know, when suddenly i can't think of the Malay word hahaha..
Ia adalah salah satu projek pembangunan diri sendiri..gitu! Masa zaman maktab dulu, aku guna cara 'countdown-motivation' iaitu menetapkan had masa untuk senarai beberapa kerja perlu dihabiskan.
Contohnya ada 7 perkara yang perlu diselesaikan (basuh baju, kemas bilik, tulis nota, hantar barang, etc). Aku tetapkan, dalam masa 3 jam, sebelum pukul 11pagi misalnya, aku dah habiskan kerja aku.
Dengar macam selalu buat je.. tapi mesti tak jadi kan? Kita akan 'end-up' postponed masa kerja tu kan?
Apa yang aku buat, aku set countdown (timer) kat phone. Dan phone aku akan berbunyi macam alarm setiap sejam yang dah dihabiskan.
Memang berkesan, pasal setiap kali alarm tu berbunyi, aku alert masa aku makin hampir ke tamat. Boleh gak set 1/2jam sekali alarm tu bunyi. Setiap kali aku tengok phone aku, masa tu makin sikit-makin sikit. Gelabah kauuu..
Ala-ala jam pasir gak la. Tapi versi moden. Dan berbunyi. Kasi gempak sikit.
Namun apakan daya, zaman belajar dah berlalu. Aku mula keje. Bajet macam lepak, tapi aku sedar motivasi aku makin turun. Tu la, sape suruh tak set target/ cita-cita awal-awal lagi kan? Susah untuk aku set matlamat jangka panjang/pendek bila aku masih terumbang-ambing nak sesuaikan rutin harian bekerja ni.
Jadi aku pun keluar la dengan idea 'day-to-day mission'. Misi hari-ke-hari. Apa dia menatang ni?
Cara dia:
1) aku tulis benda-benda yang aku suka buat (berkaitan travel, art, kamera, etc), sebagai misi yang boleh dibuat dalam sehari, dalam banyak-banyak kertas yang akan aku gulung nanti.
2) dah siap dalam 30, aku gulung semuanya, letak dalam 1 bekas. Lagi banyak lagi bagus, kalau boleh nak buat 365, untuk setahun terus.
3) setiap malam, sebelum tidur, aku cabut satu kertas, misi untuk keesokan hari.
4) aku tidur dengan mindset aku ada misi untuk esok hari...
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Ni contoh aku buat. Malas nak gulung dan masuk bekas cantik hehehe |
Ni contoh misi aku buat la. Boleh tengok kat gambar tu camne aku tulis aku punya misi. Ikut kreativiti nak buat misi lagu mana. Boleh suma..(utagha plak tetiba)..
Hasilnya, aku akan lebih semangat bangun esoknya, dan melaksanakan misi aku dalam masa 1 hari, takde la asyik fikir nak sambung tidur je... Jadi, kita tengok apa hasilnya dalam entri lepas-lepas ni...
Diingatkan bahawa 2 cara motivasi diri di atas, aku reka sendiri, untuk diri aku yang malas dia tahap Ya Allah Subhanallah Tabarakallah hoiii tolong la siapakan keje! punya tahap malas.
I know i was born to be great, but yeah, i'm still basically poor in attitude management. Kalau anda mempunyai matlamat hidup yang jelas dan kuat, teruskan usaha anda, anda dah silap baca blog ni haha! Love-yanaliyana
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
Penang retreat (part 1)
I'm so extremely happy to be back in Penang after a year. Gosh I even scream! So let's go a lil bit back before that..
I'm so stressed of a lot of thing week before, I even sobbing at my best friend who came all the way from Johor, a weekend before, because i held in so much. But along that week, Yu seungwoo released a duet song with Younha, Picnic (여름밤 픽닉) which i translate it as Summer Night Picnic if my Korean is correct. It is so sweet and i feel like I have to reach him somehow. So i suddenly remembered about Sungha Jung, one of his best friend as far as i know, coming to Malaysia...
I posted in twitter asking if i should go to Sungha Jung's event, and Herlin replied me she said she's looking for company. Great~! Things happening, we bought vip tickets and waiting for weekend to come...
Honestly the journey to Penang was what excites me the most at the beginning. It's been a year! While I was driving all the way to Penang, memories flood in. Memories in Genting with family, Cameron Highland with Kulim housemates, my almost-solo journey in Kampar, train & bus rides, and so many things happening during 5 years back and forth of lebuhraya utara-selatan E1.
And i realized it later, it was exactly 1 day short, of 6 years ago when it was my 1st trip to continue studying in Kedah.. what a coincidence!
When I reached Penang Bridge, I really, literally scream AHHHHH PENANG!! I'M HERE~!!! i was smiling all the way on bridge. Penang has always been my favorite place for my escapee. Whether it's for event or just my random stress-reliever. But to name few names, i had good memories related to Henley, Fuying and Sam, Alvin, and Soo Wincci (though only FS happened at island. Those drenched-in-rain memories!)
I just put my phone on phone holder but i didn't open my waze (always lost my way in Penang!). Still, i follow the direction to Komtar because i have something to find there. End up i just know Prangin Mall is just besides Komtar! But phewwww 250616 weather in Penang was extremely HOT!!
I met Herlin at noon there, while we wait for Sungha Jung. We talked more than last time we met. And we met this time, it's exactly during fasting month too! Like last year! (Continue)
Thursday, 18 February 2016
How about asking the same question to yourself? I cried.
"Teacher can i give up?", ask Hazeeq to me. "NO", i firmly replied him. Now these echoing back to me, i feel like crying.
I feel so powerless and useless. The students won't listen to me. I feel the same like Hazeeq. I want to ask the same question. "Can i give up?" But i myself answered No to my student. How could i possibly say Yes to myself. If i give up, how about my students?
I told Hazeeq, "see? You got it all correct. It's just that you need to continue working on it until finish. I know you can". Right BACK at my face.
Feeling so disappointed with myself today. Indeed if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. *cry*
I feel so powerless and useless. The students won't listen to me. I feel the same like Hazeeq. I want to ask the same question. "Can i give up?" But i myself answered No to my student. How could i possibly say Yes to myself. If i give up, how about my students?
I told Hazeeq, "see? You got it all correct. It's just that you need to continue working on it until finish. I know you can". Right BACK at my face.
Feeling so disappointed with myself today. Indeed if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. *cry*
Monday, 15 February 2016
Do i like changing?
Going to Wetworld Shah Alam last Tuesday (school holiday) does not only gave me sunburn, but a big thing to ponder. From the almost whole day activity, i learn about myself from other people, as well as realizing shifting occurred in my current life.
So the thing is, we were there, 4 of us. Exclude mum and kakngah who wait outside, there were ayah, kakcik, Elsa and me. Rm25 for adult. Woah at the price. Since this place has been (long before) annual playground to my brother and me, we could see the price hike! Elsa got free entrance because she is below 90cm.
The precious piece of info dad gave to me that day was "it was easy to handle you in here. If you are to play at a place, you'll stay there. No changing place. I could watch over you easily because you didn't go anywhere". My replied to dad was "l'm still the same, dad".
Because Elsa was very different. She easily distracted with the higher level pool (she is a head-only walking baby in pool. Seriously she just walk in the pool on her own. Nope, no help is allowed, say the baby). She moved everywhere she wants, not staying at one place for a long time.
So that was it. I'm still keeping the habit. I like to stay at one place for a long time. I like to get comfortable. Safe-zone. But lately, things aren't in that order. I keep on my toes most of the time, because i couldn't get certainties that i can stay in one place for long. *sad*
But i know it's Allah's plan to teach me lessons of life. I can't stay forever in one place. I need to keep moving, keep experiencing, keep growing. Inside out.
And what i realized, watching over Elsa playing in water for 5 hours, i think i won't enjoy my surroundings much when i have a kid. Hahahahaha. For 5 hours straight, my eyes were always on Elsa. 95% of time. The water slides are cool, but Elsa still took my line of sight. Nothing beats the baby-boss.
That's all for 1 week holiday. Elsa was the focus. Till next time kid. -yanaliyana
Tuesday, 2 February 2016
Henley Hii 許亮宇 Meet-The-Fans event Jan 2016
Henley. Last i met him was last year..somewhere in March? This is only the 2nd time i met him.
I wasn't telling anyone i'm going because i'm not sure myself. Plus i had few obstacles regarding moving to new rented house. And niece and nephew at home. All on same day.
So i was late leaving home. Around 2.15. Reach KL for only 45min is impossible (fastest would be 1 hour, that, only stepping into KL, not going to Times Square for example, plus 30mins thanks to traffic). So i drove, left my car at kl sentral and took train to TS. By that time, it was already 3.20pm. Event stated starts at 3pm.
I run to info desk, asked where is boulevard, and head out. I saw Peace Teo 1st (i don't know why i can't see Henley straightaway eventhough he's just besides Peace. They just finished playing game round 1 i think, because fans were still on stage that time.
Peace continue with interviewing Henley and of course i can't understand anything. On to Take Me Home song (yeah i realized i missed Second Chance song). I sang along. I LOVE HENLEY SINGING IT LIVE!
After that, short talk, then Peace said something about vip pass. I saw others raising up theirs, so i just raised up mine. Then Henley saw me and pointed to me (i was standing behind media area, where there's no people besides me,the other fans were crowding on left side of stage -i was in the middle-)
I only understand Henley directed me to left side of stage,i just followed, without much thinking. Then i heard Tingting scream my name, i saw Kiki Junee too.. i was jumping and -screaming and- hugging I WAS SO GLAD I MEET THEM. Also Phooihan too.
But only after that tingting told me "Yana go, they call you on stage" me Whatttt?? So Henley actually picked me for 2nd game, i don't even know until tinting told me. Blank as usual, i go upstage not sure of anything.
I keep exchanging glances and body languages with tingting and june because i don't know how to react nor understand whats going on (tinting complaint later about lacks of translation when i was up on stage). I was actually scared inside because i don't know what type of game will be played. So Peace tell the rules of game, and asked 'ming bai ma?' Me: wo bu ming bai.. and AFTER THAT he translate to me.
The game is to collect stickers with points, sticks all over Henley's shirt -and shoes- between 3 fans. Game begins. I was actually having mindset of wanting to WIN, so i tried to collect as much as i can while keep saying sorry to Henley, i dunno if it tickles him or anything, i just don't think much and just grab the stickers.
While counting the total points, Peace asked me: how do you feel playing this game with Henley? Me: ummm nervous. Peace: that's all? Me: and happy...? (Otl Peace what answer you would expect? Honestly i don't really feel anything)
Later, Peace announced the 3rd place, me and another fan up for final winner. I wish it's me. And it really IS. I WON!!! I clapped my hands in slow motion, trying to suppress my jumping mode. But then,
I don't know what's going on. The staffs saying something, so i'm still not the winner. Ok. They ask the 2 others to sing, but they didn't. So Peace asked me last: do you want to dedicate song to Henley? Any song, your favourite song, even Malay song...
I was keep thinking Take Me Home song, but i can't remember how the song started, i only can remember 2nd verse "i woke up today, and found that you're gone.." which would sound so wrong. Mungkin Nanti song also jumbled up inside my head. End up i said to Peace: wait ya let me think 1st.. which got Peace: ok then we drink coffee 1st LOL!
Later tingting told me that actually the other 2 fans were given #secondchance but they didn't take it. So i stay as the winner. And. I GOT A HUGE BEAR!!!! (And calendar -which i already put on my desk at my workplace- , and VIXX album too -so random, but i understand, it's PMP-) HUGE BEAR!!! Henley has no problem holding it but after he passed it to me, you almost can't see me. It's so huge! Then took polaroid with Henley (which i love the outcome so much).
Then continue with 3rd song (i know the song but i don't remember the title, both chinese and eng, but i almost memorized whole song). Sang along with tinting hugging the bear (she's so obsessed with it haha!) junee busy with camera and giving flower to Henley onstage.
Next fansign session. Sometimes in the middle, Henley spoke (using mic) about someone's sister and we realized it's Fai's sis. Later Junee call her "Fai's sister!" which sounds funny at that time given the situation. Hmm it's quite a messy time during our time to go sign,
my part, Henley write my name, while spelling out my name aloud "Y.A.N.A right?" Just like how he used to do when we 1st met hihiii got me giggling inside. Henley thanked me so sincere, for coming to support him.
Downstairs, me and tinting played around with the bear, took lots of selca together. After some times, me and tinting stands infront of the bear, staring at it hard when Junee asked "what r u guys doing?" Me: tinting and i thinking a name to give him. Tinting lastly come up with Xiao H, as they know me as XiaoYan. So until now we (and everybody else including Henley himself) called it XiaoH.
Event ended.
P/S: i think Henley sing another 1 song before i went up stage? I remember singing along and did hand movement following the song, but i can't remember which one. I already repeat all the songs in Take Me Home CD for more than a month. Frequently. Can't remember which one.)
The rest? Tinting looks like a crazy kid obsessed with the huge bear, hugging it around, no worries of people staring. It's a crowded mall on weekend ok. And the scenes where XiaoH become passenger in car. So cute we put seatbelt on him.
Now XiaoH becomes my favorite hugging partner, while i cry and happy. Can't thank Henley more. This is such a precious present for me, you don't know how much it means to me. Thank youuuuu Henley. -yana
I wasn't telling anyone i'm going because i'm not sure myself. Plus i had few obstacles regarding moving to new rented house. And niece and nephew at home. All on same day.
So i was late leaving home. Around 2.15. Reach KL for only 45min is impossible (fastest would be 1 hour, that, only stepping into KL, not going to Times Square for example, plus 30mins thanks to traffic). So i drove, left my car at kl sentral and took train to TS. By that time, it was already 3.20pm. Event stated starts at 3pm.
I run to info desk, asked where is boulevard, and head out. I saw Peace Teo 1st (i don't know why i can't see Henley straightaway eventhough he's just besides Peace. They just finished playing game round 1 i think, because fans were still on stage that time.
Peace continue with interviewing Henley and of course i can't understand anything. On to Take Me Home song (yeah i realized i missed Second Chance song). I sang along. I LOVE HENLEY SINGING IT LIVE!
After that, short talk, then Peace said something about vip pass. I saw others raising up theirs, so i just raised up mine. Then Henley saw me and pointed to me (i was standing behind media area, where there's no people besides me,the other fans were crowding on left side of stage -i was in the middle-)
I only understand Henley directed me to left side of stage,i just followed, without much thinking. Then i heard Tingting scream my name, i saw Kiki Junee too.. i was jumping and -screaming and- hugging I WAS SO GLAD I MEET THEM. Also Phooihan too.
But only after that tingting told me "Yana go, they call you on stage" me Whatttt?? So Henley actually picked me for 2nd game, i don't even know until tinting told me. Blank as usual, i go upstage not sure of anything.
I keep exchanging glances and body languages with tingting and june because i don't know how to react nor understand whats going on (tinting complaint later about lacks of translation when i was up on stage). I was actually scared inside because i don't know what type of game will be played. So Peace tell the rules of game, and asked 'ming bai ma?' Me: wo bu ming bai.. and AFTER THAT he translate to me.
The game is to collect stickers with points, sticks all over Henley's shirt -and shoes- between 3 fans. Game begins. I was actually having mindset of wanting to WIN, so i tried to collect as much as i can while keep saying sorry to Henley, i dunno if it tickles him or anything, i just don't think much and just grab the stickers.
While counting the total points, Peace asked me: how do you feel playing this game with Henley? Me: ummm nervous. Peace: that's all? Me: and happy...? (Otl Peace what answer you would expect? Honestly i don't really feel anything)
Later, Peace announced the 3rd place, me and another fan up for final winner. I wish it's me. And it really IS. I WON!!! I clapped my hands in slow motion, trying to suppress my jumping mode. But then,
I don't know what's going on. The staffs saying something, so i'm still not the winner. Ok. They ask the 2 others to sing, but they didn't. So Peace asked me last: do you want to dedicate song to Henley? Any song, your favourite song, even Malay song...
I was keep thinking Take Me Home song, but i can't remember how the song started, i only can remember 2nd verse "i woke up today, and found that you're gone.." which would sound so wrong. Mungkin Nanti song also jumbled up inside my head. End up i said to Peace: wait ya let me think 1st.. which got Peace: ok then we drink coffee 1st LOL!
Later tingting told me that actually the other 2 fans were given #secondchance but they didn't take it. So i stay as the winner. And. I GOT A HUGE BEAR!!!! (And calendar -which i already put on my desk at my workplace- , and VIXX album too -so random, but i understand, it's PMP-) HUGE BEAR!!! Henley has no problem holding it but after he passed it to me, you almost can't see me. It's so huge! Then took polaroid with Henley (which i love the outcome so much).
Then continue with 3rd song (i know the song but i don't remember the title, both chinese and eng, but i almost memorized whole song). Sang along with tinting hugging the bear (she's so obsessed with it haha!) junee busy with camera and giving flower to Henley onstage.
Next fansign session. Sometimes in the middle, Henley spoke (using mic) about someone's sister and we realized it's Fai's sis. Later Junee call her "Fai's sister!" which sounds funny at that time given the situation. Hmm it's quite a messy time during our time to go sign,
my part, Henley write my name, while spelling out my name aloud "Y.A.N.A right?" Just like how he used to do when we 1st met hihiii got me giggling inside. Henley thanked me so sincere, for coming to support him.
Downstairs, me and tinting played around with the bear, took lots of selca together. After some times, me and tinting stands infront of the bear, staring at it hard when Junee asked "what r u guys doing?" Me: tinting and i thinking a name to give him. Tinting lastly come up with Xiao H, as they know me as XiaoYan. So until now we (and everybody else including Henley himself) called it XiaoH.
Event ended.
P/S: i think Henley sing another 1 song before i went up stage? I remember singing along and did hand movement following the song, but i can't remember which one. I already repeat all the songs in Take Me Home CD for more than a month. Frequently. Can't remember which one.)
The rest? Tinting looks like a crazy kid obsessed with the huge bear, hugging it around, no worries of people staring. It's a crowded mall on weekend ok. And the scenes where XiaoH become passenger in car. So cute we put seatbelt on him.
Now XiaoH becomes my favorite hugging partner, while i cry and happy. Can't thank Henley more. This is such a precious present for me, you don't know how much it means to me. Thank youuuuu Henley. -yana
Monday, 4 January 2016
2016 technology. How's your kids doing?
Didiklah anak-anakmu mengikut zamannya. Kerana zamannya adalah tidak sama dengan zamanmu - Saidina Umar Al-Khattab.
This just sink in while i was eating while reading a newspaper article that i put on the eating-table. Here's an excerpt:
I'll use Malay for this. Ok artikel ni adalah tentang gadjet. Kosmo 30 Disember 2015. Baru lagi. Artikel ini meletakkan jangkaan terhadap perkembangan gadjet pada tahun 2016. Lebih mengerikan imaginasi seorang yang bernama Yana ini adalah pada bayangan bahawa ramai saintis yang sedang berusaha untuk mencipta robot yang lebih menyerupai manusia.
Adakah salah? Itu terpulang pada tafsiran sendiri. Tetapi kita tidak boleh menghalang daripada teknologi untuk terus berkembang. Adik-adik, anak-anak kita akan terus terdedah dengan gadjet-gadjet ini, walaupun tanpa dipinta. Lihat sahajalah sekeliling kita. Kanak-kanak kurang daripada 2 tahun sudah pandai bermain ipad atau tab.
Pesanan Umar Al-Khatab seperti di atas, mengingatkan kembali bahawa kurang wajar jika kita menghujani anak-anak zaman ini dengan kata-kata (yang banyak saya baca atau dengar di laman sosial): dik, abang umur 7 tahun main guli depan rumah je. Lubang congkak pun korek sendiri.. kau 7 tahun dah sibuk nak ipad, phone android.
Hakikatnya, ini zaman mereka. Namun ramai yang belum sedar, atau terlupa tentang hakikat ini.
So there goes my challenges as teacher-to-be. It's not all about delivering knowledge to kids, but also educate them how to adapt, to use the technology well, put it to good use.
You can't turn back the time and expect kids nowadays to suddenly be a big crowd playing kites, congkak & stuff right? I'm not saying it's impossible though, but kids learn from their parents. BY MODELLING THEM, not from what you told them.
Are you not having gadgets with you all the time? Do you play football as weekend routine with your kids? If your answer are YES, then it is possible.
Don't ask the kids what you didn't do.
Back to role as teacher, 40 kids will have different education background from parents, so the majority would have peer pressure and follow the current trend/technology. I would like to have discussion on how to apply the 'treat your children according to their time/period'. Oh well, guess that'll be one of my 2016 resolution?
Love..Unconditionally :)
Something i don't really talk about in my life. But recently, i got the chance to open my eyes more to what i call unconditional love.
I watched Dilwale (date with parents) in cinema. I shed tears for the brothers' love. Without hesitation the lil brother choose his older brother over anything.
That's one.
A thing appears to me as: shouldn't you be mad when your best friend (who you called your brother) did something bad to you? Aren't you too forgiving for a 15 years misunderstanding towards you?
Then i realized this 'unconditional love'. A love where you don't expect ANYTHING in return. No reason to get mad, no reason to not forgive. You just love them. No matter as siblings, friends or anyone.
And i love my royalfambam. Especially Eric for uniting us together. I just want you to support you wherever and whenever, even when you get married and more, i just want to know i'm really thankful and you're like a brother (who makes me somewhat clingy). But ㅅ ㄹ ㅎ. Your smile and 안녕 was the 1st best feeling i get in 2016. Unconditional love towards you.. Eric Lin.
Something i don't really talk about in my life. But recently, i got the chance to open my eyes more to what i call unconditional love.
I watched Dilwale (date with parents) in cinema. I shed tears for the brothers' love. Without hesitation the lil brother choose his older brother over anything.
That's one.
A thing appears to me as: shouldn't you be mad when your best friend (who you called your brother) did something bad to you? Aren't you too forgiving for a 15 years misunderstanding towards you?
Then i realized this 'unconditional love'. A love where you don't expect ANYTHING in return. No reason to get mad, no reason to not forgive. You just love them. No matter as siblings, friends or anyone.
And i love my royalfambam. Especially Eric for uniting us together. I just want you to support you wherever and whenever, even when you get married and more, i just want to know i'm really thankful and you're like a brother (who makes me somewhat clingy). But ㅅ ㄹ ㅎ. Your smile and 안녕 was the 1st best feeling i get in 2016. Unconditional love towards you.. Eric Lin.
Saturday, 2 January 2016
Fabian Loo, a Malaysian actor, who plays your mind haha
Saw his IG post, and check on the full video. I admit i just knew him not long ago, though i followed his IG quite early since i created my account (also not long ago, a little pass a year).
Met him twice, you can check my other post Persona promo in North 2015, on Persona drama promo. But still, i know next to zero about him.
He's a psychology student? that's like UP UP UP my level of interest of him. You know i LOVE psychology deep down inside, it's always been my dream to go to that field one day.
Before this it has been up because when i join the promo, he's like the craziest happiest person on earth, and i like that heheee..
And just know from this video, he's not so good in mandarin. Good. It's always my pleasure to use english if i meet you again. Fabian Loo, you have one fan here, a level up one haha~!
Check out full article from
Friday, 1 January 2016
Run! It's already 2016!!
Hello 2016.
Not going to focus on new year, will get on that later. So this is my 1st post of 2016. I already got over the withdrawal after 3 days. The cause: Maze Runner. Or maybe i didn't. I always furious thinking back about the series.
1st of all, this is my review. It should contain lots of spoilers, up until the 3rd book: The Death Cure. I've watched the 2 movies, read the 3 books (only after finished i realized it has prequel: Kill The Order and soon sequel to that prequel).
The order of the watching/reading determined alot of my reaction towards the series. I have taken my lesson from Harry Potter series. I watch 1-4, back to read 1-3, then 4, which makes me impatient, so i read no 5 BEFORE i watch the movie. Big mistake because i was disappointed alot how it was so different from what i read. Ummm Yana of course it will? You're not the director.
So i've said to myself to always watch movie 1st, THEN read the book. But things weren't quite right with Maze Runner series. I think i have 5 different stories in my head. Maze Runner THE BOOK DON'T EQUAL TO Maze Runner THE MOVIE.
Here's my order of watching/reading. Movie 1»Book 1»Movie 2»Book 2»Book 3»BTS of movies.
I had to ask my sisters about the movie to make sure i remember right. The movie indeed is not the same as the book. A LOT different. And by the time i was reading book 2 (Scorch Trial), i already forgot movie 2 has the same title. It's like reading completely different series. Only the characters names are the same. I had quite hard time connecting book 1 and book 2 because i had movie 2 in the middle.
Lets go through one by one.
Starts with Movie 1: The Maze Runner.
Umm actually i didn't watch from the very start, i asked my sis how the story started since she has watched few times.
I love the cinematography. You know movie like this has lots of CGI but it felt so real~! I just love how dark it is, the action-packed scenes, they pictured it so beautifully. Though..
It made me jawdropped as how ridiculous is the ending.
Which doesn't gave me the same ending-feeling from Book 1.
Book 1 gave the clearer picture of how things working in Maze. Or the Glade. BUT.
Something's off. So i ask my sisters to tell the plot from movie again. And i realized it's not the same as in the book. The more i read, the more i realized there's so many things are not the same. Even as how they escaped the Maze. Truly different.
My 1st thought was: why in world they try to make different plot and strategies when what's in the book is already brilliant?
And so, what Book 1 gave me was a satisfaction from reading. It was long since i felt so fun from reading thriller novel. Last was James Patterson book: Private Games. That was years ago.
Liking more of characters when i read the book. Eventhough book has Thomas point-of-view the whole time, it gives equal amount of explanation of many other characters namely Minho, Newt, Alby, and Teresa. I never thought i would come to like Minho more because of the reading.
Movie 2.
I started to accept that movie 2 might not be the same as book 2. That's why i watch first before reading, just to get the setting of places. Movie 2 is another brilliant one. It's darker, harsher, and appear to me more like a ghost story HAHAHAHA the Gone Crank almost got me swearing to my phone screen. I was concentrating so much because of no-subtitles, i had my face too close to screen when the Crank showed up from the dark. The ending leave me with NOOOO cause they got Minho.
Book 2.
Trying to reset my mind, to connect back to Book 1. And whaddayaknow..
Things are so different from Movie 2 that even my intention of watching movie to get the picture of setting for Book 2 is a waste. None of it was the same. Not even the setting, the plot, the fights etc.
By the middle of Book 2, i already forgot about Movie 2. The characters set up are also different eventhough they use same name (yeah Ki Hong, so much for "the movie has taken the key point from book").
I think they only use the book to visualize how the Crank (Gone one) looked -nasty- like. And ruined cities.
On to the book itself. It shows how Thomas and Minho bonded so much, how Brenda is actually the smartest pants out of all characters (movie-only viewers will only hate her). How Teresa played different role in the series (Teresa didn't appear much in book tbh).
Minho can pulled out so much sarcasm in one book. Newt too. Like, i never realized it before, boys have high tolerance for it. If it were me, i'll probably already smack Minho so many times. Newt you're lucky you make sense eventhough with sarcasm.
Book 2 gives me the understanding of Scorch Trial. What it exactly mean. Movie 2 should do different title. Where is the Scorch in Movie 2? i don't even know. Where's Group B? Movie-viewers will only gave you: they are not even important. Which is obviously not true.
It gives the most satisfying : things could only been harder. Trials indeed in more horrifying in Scorch Trials. Love Book 2.
This time, the ending was like plot-twisted to me. Making a sign that Movie 3 will never even close to Book 3.
The one making betrayal isn't making the betrayal like that. No need to smack Teresa people.
So Book 3.
I wish they hadn't kill Newt« is what l'm sure 99% of readers would have thought.
Book 3 is the climax after all. I finished it in less than a day. Too exciting. Though you lost 2 main characters. Thomas should have died«sometimes this occurred to me while reading Book 3. But you know one is having the strongest will to stay ALIVE.
And Minho. He's basically the hero alongside Thomas. Almost the main character. The 5 in the book is enough to make you gasped, cried, scream to run, many head-shaking and smirk because of sarcasm thrown out.
The thing i'm unsatisfied is, in Book they never actually bring front Ava Paige. So i can't exactly hate her twisted mind for doing the deathly science experiments You need the reason to justify they're wrong, twisted. But least is said.
So that leave me only thinking about how people will be desperate when the world they saw seems like it almost end.
I always come up with moral values every time i finished watching drama or reading book, but i can't outline many in this one. It leaves me with: human is complicated creature.
And hoping they won't kill Newt in Movie 3. Since Movie 3 is another potential thing of not being any close to Book 3. And the writer said in an interview after Movie Scorch Trial "I like Newt character..." he stops there, giving us hope that he will convince the director of Movie 3 to not kill Newt HAHA!
But at one point, i listened to a lecture on prophets, and Prophet Noah a.s is mentioned. Of how he's called the second Adam a.s. Because during Noah a.s. period, all human mankind had died during the largest flood in history, the one who survived were only the one in Noah a.s' ship. And mankind grow and civilized again after that.
Almost like the plot in Death Cure where the only ones survived were Immunes. Or maybe not.
Ok done for my last conflict in 2015 which was, or is: which is my fav character from Maze Runner series. Still can't choose between Minho and Newt *wink* Happy New Year!!!!
Not going to focus on new year, will get on that later. So this is my 1st post of 2016. I already got over the withdrawal after 3 days. The cause: Maze Runner. Or maybe i didn't. I always furious thinking back about the series.
1st of all, this is my review. It should contain lots of spoilers, up until the 3rd book: The Death Cure. I've watched the 2 movies, read the 3 books (only after finished i realized it has prequel: Kill The Order and soon sequel to that prequel).
The order of the watching/reading determined alot of my reaction towards the series. I have taken my lesson from Harry Potter series. I watch 1-4, back to read 1-3, then 4, which makes me impatient, so i read no 5 BEFORE i watch the movie. Big mistake because i was disappointed alot how it was so different from what i read. Ummm Yana of course it will? You're not the director.
So i've said to myself to always watch movie 1st, THEN read the book. But things weren't quite right with Maze Runner series. I think i have 5 different stories in my head. Maze Runner THE BOOK DON'T EQUAL TO Maze Runner THE MOVIE.
Here's my order of watching/reading. Movie 1»Book 1»Movie 2»Book 2»Book 3»BTS of movies.
I had to ask my sisters about the movie to make sure i remember right. The movie indeed is not the same as the book. A LOT different. And by the time i was reading book 2 (Scorch Trial), i already forgot movie 2 has the same title. It's like reading completely different series. Only the characters names are the same. I had quite hard time connecting book 1 and book 2 because i had movie 2 in the middle.
Lets go through one by one.
Starts with Movie 1: The Maze Runner.
Umm actually i didn't watch from the very start, i asked my sis how the story started since she has watched few times.
I love the cinematography. You know movie like this has lots of CGI but it felt so real~! I just love how dark it is, the action-packed scenes, they pictured it so beautifully. Though..
It made me jawdropped as how ridiculous is the ending.
Which doesn't gave me the same ending-feeling from Book 1.
Book 1 gave the clearer picture of how things working in Maze. Or the Glade. BUT.
Something's off. So i ask my sisters to tell the plot from movie again. And i realized it's not the same as in the book. The more i read, the more i realized there's so many things are not the same. Even as how they escaped the Maze. Truly different.
My 1st thought was: why in world they try to make different plot and strategies when what's in the book is already brilliant?
And so, what Book 1 gave me was a satisfaction from reading. It was long since i felt so fun from reading thriller novel. Last was James Patterson book: Private Games. That was years ago.
Liking more of characters when i read the book. Eventhough book has Thomas point-of-view the whole time, it gives equal amount of explanation of many other characters namely Minho, Newt, Alby, and Teresa. I never thought i would come to like Minho more because of the reading.
Movie 2.
I started to accept that movie 2 might not be the same as book 2. That's why i watch first before reading, just to get the setting of places. Movie 2 is another brilliant one. It's darker, harsher, and appear to me more like a ghost story HAHAHAHA the Gone Crank almost got me swearing to my phone screen. I was concentrating so much because of no-subtitles, i had my face too close to screen when the Crank showed up from the dark. The ending leave me with NOOOO cause they got Minho.
Book 2.
Trying to reset my mind, to connect back to Book 1. And whaddayaknow..
Things are so different from Movie 2 that even my intention of watching movie to get the picture of setting for Book 2 is a waste. None of it was the same. Not even the setting, the plot, the fights etc.
By the middle of Book 2, i already forgot about Movie 2. The characters set up are also different eventhough they use same name (yeah Ki Hong, so much for "the movie has taken the key point from book").
I think they only use the book to visualize how the Crank (Gone one) looked -nasty- like. And ruined cities.
On to the book itself. It shows how Thomas and Minho bonded so much, how Brenda is actually the smartest pants out of all characters (movie-only viewers will only hate her). How Teresa played different role in the series (Teresa didn't appear much in book tbh).
Minho can pulled out so much sarcasm in one book. Newt too. Like, i never realized it before, boys have high tolerance for it. If it were me, i'll probably already smack Minho so many times. Newt you're lucky you make sense eventhough with sarcasm.
Book 2 gives me the understanding of Scorch Trial. What it exactly mean. Movie 2 should do different title. Where is the Scorch in Movie 2? i don't even know. Where's Group B? Movie-viewers will only gave you: they are not even important. Which is obviously not true.
It gives the most satisfying : things could only been harder. Trials indeed in more horrifying in Scorch Trials. Love Book 2.
This time, the ending was like plot-twisted to me. Making a sign that Movie 3 will never even close to Book 3.
The one making betrayal isn't making the betrayal like that. No need to smack Teresa people.
So Book 3.
I wish they hadn't kill Newt« is what l'm sure 99% of readers would have thought.
Book 3 is the climax after all. I finished it in less than a day. Too exciting. Though you lost 2 main characters. Thomas should have died«sometimes this occurred to me while reading Book 3. But you know one is having the strongest will to stay ALIVE.
And Minho. He's basically the hero alongside Thomas. Almost the main character. The 5 in the book is enough to make you gasped, cried, scream to run, many head-shaking and smirk because of sarcasm thrown out.
The thing i'm unsatisfied is, in Book they never actually bring front Ava Paige. So i can't exactly hate her twisted mind for doing the deathly science experiments You need the reason to justify they're wrong, twisted. But least is said.
So that leave me only thinking about how people will be desperate when the world they saw seems like it almost end.
I always come up with moral values every time i finished watching drama or reading book, but i can't outline many in this one. It leaves me with: human is complicated creature.
And hoping they won't kill Newt in Movie 3. Since Movie 3 is another potential thing of not being any close to Book 3. And the writer said in an interview after Movie Scorch Trial "I like Newt character..." he stops there, giving us hope that he will convince the director of Movie 3 to not kill Newt HAHA!
But at one point, i listened to a lecture on prophets, and Prophet Noah a.s is mentioned. Of how he's called the second Adam a.s. Because during Noah a.s. period, all human mankind had died during the largest flood in history, the one who survived were only the one in Noah a.s' ship. And mankind grow and civilized again after that.
Almost like the plot in Death Cure where the only ones survived were Immunes. Or maybe not.
Ok done for my last conflict in 2015 which was, or is: which is my fav character from Maze Runner series. Still can't choose between Minho and Newt *wink* Happy New Year!!!!
Death Cure,
Maze Runner,
Scorch Trial,
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