Thursday, 4 April 2013

Teacher vs bad students?

i wonder what would i be if i'm not in education field. maybe a doctor? but i understand that i don't have enough qualification for a doctor. Maybe a teacher is really a suitable career for me. i'm a hipster, but in education field, especially in Malaysia, i found that it's a good thing being one.

Dr. Mahaliza, my lecturer said: kamu kena sedar, setelah kamu terjun dalam bidang ni, selamanya kamu akan berada dalam bidang ni sampai pencen. cikgu. kalau kamu tak boleh nak kawal pelajar kamu, sentuh lah hati dia" "kalau kamu berdepan dengan pelajar yang nakal ni, cari ibu dia. kepala gangster. dulu saya mengajar satu kelas, ketua pelajar nakal ni adelah gangster. saya jadikan dia ketua kelas. pengedar dadah, tp saya bagi dia duit belanja hari2, dia tak buat dah. ketua gangster ataupun pemimpin negara, they have the same quality: leadership. either it is used for positive or negative things. YOU teach them.

Coincidentally, ummi talked about the same issue on that very same day. problematic kids. -but don't see them as problems. see them as challenges- "ummi waktu masih baru jadi guru, depa bagi kelas hujung. saje... dan kelas ni semua lelaki. 27 lelaki dalam 1 kelas. sedang ummi mengajar, dah tak tahan ni, sebab seorang pelajar ni memang kurang ajar & tak endah ummi kat depan. Ummi tampar dia" -all of us in keep quiet,because we don't expect ummi to slap a student or we were just shocked of ummi's confession,i don't know- "tapi ummi nak lempang tu,ummi selawat dulu. & hari2 ummi doakan dia. tu je sekali ummi lempang pelajar. hujung tahun ummi mintak maaf, tapi pelajar tu cakap: takpe ustazah, kalau ustazah tak lempang saya masa tu, saya tak tau ape saya akan jadi harini" -which of coarse a good thing-

Dr Mahaliza always stress on: don't predict what your students gonna be in future, especially telling them: awak ni nanti jadi sampah masyarakat. and don't keep blaming them for their past. today's mistake is today's. don't go: semalam awak tak siap kerja. harini awak datang lambat. minggu depan gagal ujian blablabla DON'T EVER DO THIS. i think this applies in other scenarios in our lives too.

i've had an experience related to this too. when a teacher -i dunno the word,forgot- bila cikgu tuduh anda bukan ditempat yang betul. a teacher told me i slept during her class, that's why i can't answer and she doesn't let me defend myself. i'm so mad because it's hard to stay awake in her afternoon class & she blame me sleeping. i told myself then "you gotta proved you're not stupid yana, for sleeping in her class. proved you can do best". i got A for her subject in PMR though it's not my favourite subject.

sometimes i wonder, don't we sometimes need a teacher that down-graded us,so we can take it as challenge? so we can comeback to them when we succeed and give them 'in-your-face' sweet revenge for proving them wrong? but of coz i don't want to be bad teacher. i just have to think smart to pretend like one hahahaha ok 끝. i have to plan on that act later.


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