I went to Korea actually to see Jungjae/Zairo this time, but i just ask Giyong if perhaps HoneyG has schedule on that weekend, and Giyong said they do! I was so happy to know they have performance in restaurant in Lotte World. After some times, I have decided though, that it will be hard for me to attend the performance since it's going to be held in a restaurant and I'm too awkward to eat alone in that kind of restaurant/cafe, the food is kinda expensive too. So i told Giyong about it and he said that's okay, we can meet before or after the show.
So on that day, i told Giyong in the morning if we can meet after the show (since i planned to shop and be early for Zairo's concert), but Giyong replied with, if there's chance we could meet before the show, since HoneyG actually has another busking at noon and they have plenty of free time before the night performance.
I spent my time in subway thinking hard and decided i could go to Jamsil area. Giyong sounded surprised i could actually make it. I leisurely take my time (my mistake) then realised i was late to the venue. Giyong did sent me the address of the venue but he's not sure exactly the place for busking, as it's a baseball stadium and a baseball tournament will be happening at 2pm that day.
When i reached the subway station, i still didn't get reply from Giyong, and i was already late (30 minutes past noon) so i don't have a choice but to circle the whole stadium looking for HoneyG. Circled the stadium but i couldn't find themㅠㅠ. I tried to go up but it appears we need ticket since upper side consist of gates into the stadium. Then i went to parking side, few minutes after that, i realized there's some sort of building besides the stadium.
Turn out HoneyG was doing busking there ㅠㅠ 드디어 찾았다. They didn't realized i arrived, but after few seconds Giyong saw me and i waved to him, he waved back at me. Jaehyun and Taehyun was focused on singing, only after few minutes Jaehyun realised i was there, a bit of his usual shocked face, smiled and he nudged Taehyun. Taehyun looked at me with recognised look.
So they ended their singing (i don't even remember what song they sang, busy catching on my breath. Was it 열대야?), Giyong suddenly got up, pick 2 souvenirs besides him and walked to me. He gave me the souvenir (Ryan baseball and tote bag) and another one to a couple sitting besides me. Was he actually saving it for me, i wonder..
Come the sad part, they were already on the last song (but i just came ㅠㅠ). Giyong busy searching for the song on his phone, when Taehyun and Jaehyun talking about something. When Giyong asked the audience "do you guys know K.Will's song?" Jaehyun blurted out "예?" Giyong asked back "why are you surprised ?" and Taehyun said "because you're just doing any random Spring song..". I'm not sure if they really just pick any random song or they already prepare for it, but HoneyG always up for any random song. It's not new to them actually, plus K.Will is one of Jaehyun's favourite singer. He can sing any of the song easily.
So they sang K.Will's Love Blossom that suits the Spring season. What a great singing by HoneyG. Jaehyun's high note always make me happy. They ended it there, and people leaving for their next activities. HoneyG walked to me and we greet each other.
1st thing Jaehyun said to me "you lose weight" even before we properly stand in front of each other. I was blank and managed to said ".. 저요?" asking if that question was for me. Jaehyun (or Taehyun?) continue with "are you dieting?" me:no... (i was actually caught off guard because that's the 1st topic from them) Jaehyun continue on telling my face looks smaller because of losing weight (i touched my face and he touched his face too). Thank you for caring Jaehyun. That's what happened when i meet you guys after a week not having proper meal, probably only 1 plate of rice for that whole week.
Jaehyun - Taehyun - Giyong |
Jaehyun continued with his amusement of me coming to see them. Giyong asked me if i already had lunch, i said "not yet" faster than my mind thinking. Giyong said Jaehyun planning for sauna since they have 6 hours or so to kill. I went "really??!" because sauna isn't what i expected at all. There were few questions like when did i arrived, when will i go back, where do i stay this time etc. Giyong asked if i attended Zairo's concert, i said not yet, i changed to today, so he asked what time and where. I said 5pm at Hongdae, so Giyong said there's still quite some time.
They continued with asking where should they eat, Jaehyun said probably not around there, as they're only snacks sold (TONS of snack though. It amused me as that's my 1st time witnessing the baseball tournament vibe). Jaehyun suggested Jamsil area but Giyong already said to me Jamsil only consists of proper restaurants (and they're quite pricey. Giyong being considerate to me perhaps?).
Jaehyun asked shouldn't they go to office to record 1st? Giyong said no need, they'll film outside and the rest they would do after the night performance. Jaehyun agreed to that, also that he should go sauna AFTER the meal. Giyong questioned again what should they eat, and suddenly he said to me "you like tteokbokki right? -even i don't remember that. But yeah true. I nodded- Let's go eat it then" Jaehyun suggesting Jamsilnaru area and Taehyun agrees. Giyong asked me if I'm ok following them to other area (of course, I'm more than ok) i said sure, no problem.
1st Jaehyun walked besides Taehyun, then next to Taehyun is me and then Giyong (it's a habit for me to walk besides Giyong. Heh.) so 1st Jaehyun talked with Taehyun and i just walked silently, watching the stadium scene, while Giyong humming to some song. Suddenly Jaehyun switch side next to Giyong and talked with Giyong. This time Taehyun singing to himself. I interrupted him with 기분이 좋지? You're feeling good right? Taehyun's reply is rather an opposite thing. "feeling good.. Because I'm tired" aww i feel sorry.
We went down to subway station (Giyong "you must know everything about Korea now, since you came many times". Me "not really, only Seoul area") , and hop on the train. Jaehyun is suddenly in panic mode after reading something on his phone and he showed it to Taehyun, then Giyong. They laughed over it. It's just one station away then we got off. Giyong explained the situation to me in English, of Jaehyun suddenly got notification that he parked the electric bicycle he rented outside of the allocated area, so he might have to pay penalty. Jaehyun said he thought the bicycle beeping because it ran out of battery, when it's actually a warning that he's gone out of area HAHAHA blank-Jaehyun as always. Taehyun and Giyong keep laughing and Jaehyun laughed too because he can't believe himself,but at the same time he's very worried, he keeps asking hyungs what he should do.
Those 3 said they had ate before around the area (when it was raining or something). Giyong asked Jaehyun to search for the suggested restaurant and we all followed Jaehyun. The funny and clumsy things were we all keep standing in the middle of road and had to remind each other about car coming. Giyong asked Jaehyun "are we going to right direction? We can trust you right?" and Jaehyun with "we're not far from it". One time Jaehyun is so fix on phone to see direction, he was walking TOWARDS car that are coming. Giyong said "Jaehyun, you have to stay alive" hahaha
We reached one point, Jaehyun said the restaurant should be there, but it's not there. We're kinda lost there, so Jaehyun search again, he said there's two options, one is there or another one is in front of us. Jaehyun want to go to the other one (since the tteokbokki is very spicy). But Giyong asked me if i can stand spiciness. I said I'm not very good but i can try. Giyong "but it's very VERY spicy. 아니야 재현아 let's go to the not-very spicy one". So we go up to the restaurant in front of us.
When we enter, i found out it's tteokbokki buffet-style. Imo-nim let us sit near the window. Giyong and Jaehyun asked how to do this, since it's their 1st time. Giyong asked Imo-nim how things working, Imo-nim asked us to sit 1st so she can explain. She put the paper cover, explain where to take things, what can we choose from etc. She poured soup into a pan which is on inducer, Giyong to me “it's anchovies soup, you're ok right?” i just nodded.
Jaehyun and Taehyun got up very fast to the buffet area (indeed they were hungry). Giyong said to me “just tell if there's thing you can't eat ok” and we join Jaehyun and Taehyun. Jaehyun wanted to take 순대 1st and Giyong asked him to put it back. Jaehyun to Giyong “why? Don't you want it?” Giyong and me exchange glance, nothing managed to come out from my mouth, Giyong look at me again, and said to Jaehyun “it's not me, it's for her” so Jaehyun put the sundae back.
Giyong then walked towards the sauce station (i followed him) and muttered again “i had no idea how to do this” while reading the suggested portions of mixed sauce. Giyong has no idea, i have less than zero. So Giyong just put whatever he feels like, before Imo-nim came and try to explain, but Giyong already filled the sauce cup. We go back to our table, to cook all the ingredients. Jaehyun and Taehyun poured all the ingredients and Giyong put the sauce.
While waiting for the tteokbokki to be cooked, i started video call with SKP family group in Instagram. They thought i accidentally pressed, no one want to join in the beginning. Cries. But it's me who didn't tell them beforehand. So after i tell them I'm with HoneyG, they joined my video chat. So there's Leon, Gaby and Shanice joining, Zana joining a bit later.
1st i showed them to Giyong, telling who's who, but Taehyun and Jaehyun missing from taking ingredients and drinks. After that Taehyun and Jaehyun greet the fam, i have to end the video call since everyone already looked so hungry. Tteokbokki cooked, Jaehyun tasted it 1st. He thinks it's not spicy enough, so he went to take extra cup of gochujang for himself. I was the last to taste and it's delicious! 역시 박지용! Good in cooking.
Honestly even buffet in Malaysia i don't know how to do properly, more when in Korea. Me=멍. So Giyong quietly took my bowl and put the portions for me, with all the tteokbokki,sweet potato-taste ddeok, veggies, everything. I ate everything in it. We talked about how nice the food is, Imo-nim also asked us how was it and HoneyG replied they like it. I also said to Imo-nim that the food are delicious.
HoneyG also talked about their performance before, when they sang 배고파(i missed it of course), people passing by reacting with 배고파!!! like they're really hungry, Taehyun can't help but laugh because they sounds REALLY hungry. (well it's my ringtone since 2 years ago, check out this song which HoneyG produced themselves).
Giyong fills in my bowl again when he saw it's already empty, without even me asking (I'm glad to take it anyway ㅎㅎ). So i was on my 2nd bowl. Jaehyun still talked about penalty he might get from the bicycle incident haha! And sometimes he just looking out through the window, enjoying the view. Jaehyun also took drinks for me when i ask for 1.
HoneyG said they should try another type of sauce and they're on to the 2nd big bowl. This time i just walked randomly through the buffet bar, then i followed Taehyun at the noodle bar. He smiled at my camera, and explained to me he's going to take the Chinese-style noodle. I also try to pronounce one type of noodle, and Taehyun corrected my pronunciation ㅎㅎ. Then we head to table.
Giyong is already on the next cooking time, for spicy-cream tteokbokki style. I made another video call to SKP fam, Shanice the one joining it most part. I showed Giyong, saying "the chef today" Giyong chuckled at that, also telling Jaehyun it's Shanice. Jaehyun's face suddenly lit up as he probably remember Shanice, and they greet each other. Jaehyun tried to say "I'm full" in English and asking me what's the English for it.
Sorry Jaehyun, i was blank, so i laughed instead, Jaehyun end up saying 배불러요 in weird accent. Giyong just laughed over it. Taehyun came to table and ask Jaehyun "what's wrong with your pronunciation??" HAHAHA Shanice said Jaehyun can talked in Korean too if he likes. But Jaehyun probably too full to talk haha i ended the video call again.
While waiting for this bowl to cooked, i said to Giyong something that i just remembered."oh Giyong, i met Jeongwoo씨 in Malaysia last month (he's HoneyG former manager) Giyong,"who?", i search for his ig and showed to Giyong. Giyong, "ah yeah yeah, we talked about it. Apparently it's his birthday today" me"really??" Giyong" yeah, i just text him this morning and found out about it, so i wish him happy birthday".
Tasting session begins again. The tasting sequence is just the same as the 1st Jaehyun-Taehyun-Giyong-me. Jaehyun said there's not enough taste in it. Taehyun after tasting also said "what is it.." Giyong on the other hands feel it's already ok. When i tasted it, i also went to thinking mode. Giyong "아니야?" a bit bland for me. Giyong "i feel it's already salty". Taehyun said "i know i know, wait" then he got up, back with another cup of cream and pour it into the pan. We wait until it boiled, and feels satisfied with the taste.
This time Giyong just slide the ladle to me, and i took the food into my bowl on my own. I took a lot of tteokbokki it seems. Didn't blow too long, i put the tteokbokki into my mouth when it's too hot, and having hard time. Taehyun asked why? Spicy 매워? Hot 뜨거? I shake my head at 1st one, and 뜨거! came out through my suffering. Taehyun just giggled at me.
Giyong said there's still lots of it, and said to me to try the noodle. Again he put the noodle into my bowl, i even request more of the spicy creamy sauce since i like it hehe sorry to trouble you Giyong. There's so many "I'm already full" coming out from HoneyG, when I'm still very ok. I looked at the plate in front of me and asked what is the fried thing. Taehyun said goguma(sweet potato) . Giyong ask so strongly "are you sure? 확실해?" so many times and Taehyun just nodded. When i eat it.. Giyong looked at it and asked "isn't that chicken?"
I slowly chew it because i can't brain the situation. Giyong sounded panic and said 버려! 버려!, quickly pulled tissue (which is actually in front of me, Giyong went across to get it), gave to me and asked me to spill it out. I turned around and spit it out to the tissue. After that Taehyun returned with the real goguma, Giyong said this is real, and i ate it after dipping it in the creamy sauce (Taehyun "that's unusual").
Giyong said they should go for 볶음밥 fried rice with the sauce left-over from our 1st bowl. Jaehyun looks like he has lost his soul because of too full (his eyes were shaking haha) but they all still got up to get the ingredients. I stayed to empty my bowl.
So Giyong on cooking mode again, and he cooked the fried rice. It looks so delicious! Even Taehyun said "wow you're very good in cooking fried rice!". Again Jaehyun is the 1st taster. He looked full, but he still scoop the rice until his spoon is full! Taehyun to Jaehyun "you're eating so well for someone who said he's already so full" (Jaehyun indeed ate a lot! He dipped his spoon into gochujang cup to make it spicier). I taste the fried rice and it's good!
Taehyun asked me "Liyana aren't you full?" i answered "I'm okay" Taehyun "still not full?" and just nodded. (one thing i noted was Taehyun used banmal with me, actually since our 2nd meeting. But he sounded formal, his tone. Sometimes i couldn't tell)
Giyong keep flattening the rice which make it pretty on pan (i guess he's really pro in making/cooking/eating 볶음밥). HoneyG look like they're in surrender mode to finish the fried rice, so Jaehyun suggested playing 가위 바위 보 Rock paper scissors, who lose will have to take a spoon. Taehyun immediately agree and we're all in.
1st round:
(supposedly Taehyun and Jaehyun has to play again to determine loser)
But suddenly Jaehyun shouted "arghh i lost!" and immediately scoop the rice. Giyong and Taehyun exchanged glance and Jaehyun suddenly hesitate and asked "why?" to Taehyun. Taehyun "what? I throw paper just now". Giyong "me too, i throw paper" i showed paper sign to Jaehyun too. Jaehyun "then why are you guys looking at each other like that?" Taehyun "no reason". So Jaehyun ate a big spoon of the fried rice.
Giyong flattened it again and said there's only one spoon left, so we play again. This time Taehyun and Jaehyun won 1st round, I'm up against Giyong to determine loser (ehem, means we throw same things two times. Nak jugak haha) Giyong won. Giyong said it's okay for him to eat it instead of me, but Taehyun said 'game is a game' and i said to Giyong, nah it's okay, i can still eat. So i ate the last bite. We finish the whole food!
Giyong finally told Jaehyun about how they cheated on 1st round. Taehyun said he throws rock and they should have second round, but Jaehyun was so fast deciding that he lost! Taehyun to Jaehyun "did you see me throwing paper?" Jaehyun "예!" Taehyun "really? Paper? Not rock? I wanted so say i lost too, but you're picking up the spoon so fast, so we just let you eat (big bite, at that HAHAHA poor Jaehyun)"
Giyong took the bill that was put besides me, and pass to Jaehyun instead. Jaehyun "so this is how representative acts?" but he got up and pay anyway. Jaehyun paid the bill, we got up and walked to the back side of restaurant which has lift. Everyone is looking so full, but they said it was good meal. Enter the lift, got down and walked towards subway station.
Giyong said he liked new BTS songs and i said he should do song cover. He said that's a good idea, but it will be hard to rearrange the song so fast, since if he's not doing that, he'll get email of copyright issue. It's a short walk to subway station compared to when we were searching on the restaurant. Reached the subway station.
Giyong turned to face me and i passed the snack bag to him, asking him to enjoy with the others, do hansik mukbang in office or something and Giyong smiled at that. Giyong called the other two when they're busy talking at the other side, to tell them i gave snacks.
What shocked me was Giyong smoothly put his hand behind me to reach my other arms(did i walked and stand too close to him?), and said enjoy the concert. Taehyun asked whose concert? Ah!! Jungjae! Jaehyun added, no, Zairo, Zairo! and they did wordplay on Zairo ㅎㅎ Taehyun asked where's the concert, Giyong and Jaehyun said they don't know, i answered Hongdae, suddenly Taehyun said "ahh sangsangmadang!" i was surprised Taehyun knows about it. Taehyun pulled out his hand to shake mine (i pulled my cardigan arms longer), Jaehyun also did the same (while Giyong hand still on my upper arm/near shoulder. Cries.)
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I turned to face Giyong again, half whisper to him "this is for you" and handed him a knitted cardigan, and walked away to go down to the subway station. I turned to them again to waved so hard and they put up their hands for high 5 and we hi-5. Giyong last words was "text me when you reach your place!" Ahhh I'm going to miss them so much. I am. Always. So that's the most detailed fanaccount I've ever written. Please don't kill me for being close to my favourite artists. They're literally my friends too ㅠㅠ